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Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy St. Patrick’s Day- Interview with a Leprechaun- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

St Patrick’s Day is observed on March 17th, known as an Irish holiday celebrated for the past 1,000 years. It occurs during the Christian holiday of Lent.  Lenten observers are prohibited from eating meat during this time and the Irish who participate in the traditions of St. Patty’s Day activities join in with dancing, drinking and feasting on traditional meals, including Irish bacon and cabbage.  The tradition in America is very similar in the drinking aspect of this day.  Everything is covered in green, from the Leprechaun hats,  beads and shamrock garland draped across everything, to the infamous green beer and pub crawls. You don’t even have to be Irish to partake in the festivities or the major hangover that follows.
Leprechauns seem to be the popular mascot for this holiday. Legend has it these feisty little folklore icons are mischievous and enjoy being practical jokers. Like other fairy creatures, they can be traced back to the Tuatha De’ Danann of Irish mythology.  Apparently they collect gold coins for making shoes and store them in a pot, hence the “pot of gold” associated with them at the end of a rainbow. It is said that if a Leprechaun is captured by a human, they must grant three wishes in order to be set free.  I wonder if this is true in Second Life too….

Interview with a Leprechaun

Lanai: HA!  Caught you, you little green rascal!

Leprechaun Larry:  Sin nimhneach!  Let go of me lucky charms you savage bean! Me gots some shoes to repair!

Lanai: Not so fast you little troll. I believe I have three wishes that need granting before I can release you back on the grid!

Leprechaun Larry:  I prefer pigmy but fair enough!. Before I  grant your wishes, me needs an ale.

Lanai: Fine, I don’t mind taking you to this great Irish Pub I know, but please bring ID, most places don’t allow child looking avatar in their establishments.

Leprechuan Larry:  I’ll have you know I’m 783 years old and hardly look like a child.

Lanai: Larry…you should see some of the unfortunate looking children that run around the grid, they would benefit from looking more like you! Poor things… Anyway, let me TP you.

Leprechuan Larry: Sure thing! I’ll just stand right here and wait for it, bean dúr

Lanai:  O.o hold on little wise ass! If I go, that will give you a chance to escape. I’m not stupid , little man, grant me my first wish now!

Leprechuan Larry: Mná atá ag éileamh sin, what is your first wish bean?

Lanai: I wish that you remain with me for the duration of my wishes.

Leprechaun Larry:  Great! Anois tá mé greamaithe leis an bhean dÚsachtach

Lanai: I’ll have you know I use a Google translator. If I were you, I’d refrain from calling me crazy…
Leprechaun Larry:  Sorry. *grants first wish*

Lanai:  Thank you, a TP is on its way J

Leprechaun:  What a festive place…

Lanai: From the look on your face, you don’t seem so excited. Order your drink so we can get this over with.

Leprechuan Larry:  Have you thought about the wishes you want? *chugs ale greedily and taps the bar for another*

Lanai:  Whoa! You might want to pace yourself and actually yes I have. What are the rules?
Leprechaun:  No worries little lady, a Leprechaun can shake off the effects of any single alcoholic drink! Well, the first rule is, you can’t wish for unlimited wishes, but if you sleep with a leprechaun, you can have three more!

Lanai: First of all I’m taller than you and I never heard of that before.

Leprechaun: Not by much *taps bar for a third drink*

Lanai: *sipping a water with lemon* I wouldn’t sleep with you even if I had another avie’s excite tool.  That is not true you little liar.

Leprechaun Larry: damnaigh!

Lanai:  So tell me, what have others wished for before I get my second wish?

Leprechaun Larry: the last guy that caught me asked for a larger penis, 1,00,000,000 Lindens and a pony.

Lanai: Interesting…. Well I don’t want two of those things… But I guess I’ll take a cool million.

Leprechuan: Is that your second wish?

Lanai: yes. I wish for an unlimited supply of Lindens.

Leprechuan: your wish has been granted. *orders a 5th drink*

Lanai: CHA CHING! Sweet. Boy, you can really put them away.

Leprechuan Larry: *BUUUUUURP* Wish three? *orders a 6th drink*

Lanai: OMG you are disgusting! *looks around*

Leprechaun Larry: Got that 3rd wish? Or do I need to give you more examples?

Lanai: hmmmm…. Let me think about this a minute…

Leprechaun Larry:  Women… *orders a 7th drink*

Lanai: OK! I think for my last wish, I want to marry a tall, dark and handsome Prince and live happily ever after.

Leprechaun:  You Cinderella types never fail with those fairy tale wishes…Are you sure about that last wish? *shakes head and orders an 8th drink*

Lanai:  Cinderella? Pfft. Why do you ask you little alkie.

Leprechaun: No reason, just making sure that you are clear on your final wish. Tá sí aon smaoineamh cad atá ag éirí sí féin i ...

Lanai:  Hmmm….all of a sudden I feel like you have something up your dirty little sleeve… I wish you would just shut up with your Irish comments and grant me my last wish!

Leprechuan: Ha! cailín dúr!   That works every time! *POOF*

Lanai: $@#!*! I wasted my last wish!?!

Barmaid: Who is paying for all these here drinks?

Lanai:  That would be me… *shakes head*  At least I have the means to pick up his tab, that little shit!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Special thanks go to the sweet Dreamy, goodgyrly (Barmaid) and one and only  sushimoon (The Hulk & Leprechuan Larry)

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