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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Night Sexy VS Sleazy - Coco Lierfatte Reporting...

Valentine's day is right around the corner, and most couples have something romantic planned. A lot of those nights end with the bedroom, so women prepare something sexy for their man. What is sexy and what is sleazy? Well it all depends on your taste, and your man's taste.

   Sexy is always hard to decipher from sleazy, because the slightest thing with an outfit can turn it from seductive to sleazy. Everyone's taste is different though, so something you might find sleazy may be sexy to someone else. I find the more conservative stuff sexy when it comes to lingerie, and the I need censor bars lingerie sleazy. The small detail of lingerie can bring it over the top and make it look gorgeous on it's own or it can make it look down right tacky. Upside to dressing sexy is that you attract male eye, downside to dressing sexy is that some man think if you dress sexy your not exactly the hardest person to get with.

   Sleazy is something that looks like it is nothing but dental floss. If you can see more body than you would if you were wearing normal lingerie it's probably counted as sleazy. Sleazy though is perfect for those who are into the more promiscuous life styles. I have seen tons of sleazy outfits in SL, but there are some upsides and downsides to dressing promiscuous. One of the big downsides is that you get thought of as easy, if your walking around in public like that. If you work where you have to dress sexy or promiscuous you can make more money.

   Either way you have your ups and downs with your lingerie selection. It doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's your taste that matters. Just stay true to your taste, you'll be more comfortable in your own skin than you would be in someone else's. Have fun on your Valentine's day and make the most out of your night as well.

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