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Friday, February 15, 2013

Sian Pearl: Extension of The Artist- Definate Balfour Reporting...

With the uniqueness of SL we can find ourselves coming across all sorts of people, personalities, and creatures. I found myself in this type of situation when I met a beautifully minded artist and blogger named Sian Pearl, as I got to know her I learned she had a lot more of herself to share. Her talented skills she’s used to run her own shop and provide others services within world.

Definate -Firstly I want to thank you for agreeing to this interview, I know you’re a very busy woman in your real life. I also want to thank you for this awesome Starwatcher hat you gave me that you have on sale at Metatheodora, your cybergoth store in world. For those that don't know you, what would you tell them you do?

Sian - I do lots of things. In real life, I don't have the sort of job that you can describe in any easy way. I make my living as a writer, editor, activist, print designer and recently as a performance artist. Someone in an article recently about why Second Life isn't world-conquering said that it was like that person with interesting resume full of weird skills you couldn't think of ever finding a use for. That's me. Sian is an extension of that, in a way. She writes poems, does a bit of activism, has a little shop and has recently done her first in-world performance.

Definate - You’re really creative, what inspires your style?
Sian - I guess the main thing is that my av, whether I'm male or female at the moment, is very much a character I play. Sian is an outlet for the ideas and things that my "respectable" art colleagues won't be interested in. I use Sian to explore things I can't or couldn't do or maybe even think in real life, and it interests me that Sian is sometimes philosophically at variance with me. While she's passionately feminist and very left-wing (like me), she's also a fairly convinced transhumanist, for example, and I'm really, really not. She doesn't share my pacifism. I don't share her atheism.

Definate - You’re truly one of the most unique people I've come across in SL, you seem to wear your creativity and the things your beliefs in in your blog posts, and do you find that that helps you promote the things you enjoy?
Sian - It absorbs me. I don't think I go, "I must be creative" when I make a picture or a thing. I just make the thing I want to see, if that makes sense. I've found that if stuff isn't fun, I stop doing it.

Definate - What are some things here in SL that you enjoy doing?
Sian - I really enjoy clubbing, actually; just dancing and talking. I also enjoy role-playing too, although I'm more of a dialogue player. I get impatient with the whole paragraph thing.

Definate - What are some current events or other artists that you enjoy, here in sl?
Sian - There's a painter (her av is called Cake/Aemeth Lysette) and I love that she's exhibited inworld. The stuff that Djehan Kidd does in Hangars Liquides, the music and making, that also inspires me. Hangars is one of my most frequent hangouts these days.

Definate - What are some things you want readers to know about yourself?
Sian - I'm vegetarian. My favorite album right now is Desertshore by Nico. I love European comics (because it's not nerdy if it's in another language).

Definate - What sort of services do you provide to those that may be interested in hiring you?
Sian - I take photos. I've done a few custom meshes for people. I've modeled for one or two stores. I do voice performances.

You can check out Sian's blog here:

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