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Monday, February 25, 2013

Leaving Comments on The SL Enquirer

From The Desk of Lanai Jarrico

With all the comments good and bad that are submitted to this website. I review them all and publish the ones I see fit based on my vision of The SL Enquirer.

 The nasty and absurd comments never get published because I feel it's my responsibility as CEO to keep readers protected from those that feel the need to be negative. I want our readers in a positive mood and keep them from many of the attention seekers and drama queens that like to write comments to undermine, look down upon or otherwise try to discourage people from doing what they love. The SL Enquirer caters to those that come to Second Life to do activities, socialize with others and release their creative energy. For many it has helped them realize hidden talents and enriched their both real life and their second life. For those that abuse it, it causes drama and necessary emotional strain that we can all do without.

Those of you that have positive things to say, have different opinions to share or  have ways to help others are always welcomed and encouraged to leave comments, but always remember to think about what you say, give valid reasons, be kind to one another and respect those that choose to spend their time differently than you. Together we can all create a place of harmony despite our differences.

Thank you

Lanai Jarrico

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