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Monday, February 11, 2013

INTERVIEW WITH CUPID Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

For the past few years, I’ve interviewed a very sexy Cupid for Valentine’s Day and with each passing year he seemed to be more distant and even mentioned hanging up his arrows and moving on to his second passion of dragon slaying and baking special cupcakes and brownies . It appears he did just as he threatened and passed the romance enhancing bow to the next in line. The great news is I have a Cupid to interview, this time it is a Rastafarian. I was always used to a good flirt and the original Cupid’s sarcastic humor. Let’s just hope this new one can hold his own.

Interview With Cupid

Lanai :Hi Cupid, it is very nice to meet you, I understand you are taking over the Day of Romance on behalf of the one I interviewed last year. I’m interested to know, will things be changing in the way you deliver your arrows to unsuspecting avies?

RastaCupid:  Lanai mi gyal wit de nice piece of chest!  Wa gwan?

Lanai:  I am fine RC.  Are you staring at my chest?

RastaCupid: Rhaatid! Yu caught me. I mus say "Big Up" on SLE.

Lanai: Nice save....OK before we get started I need to say, the incense in here is very strong or there is a skunk nearby, What is that?

RastaCupid: Yu nuh easy!  Disya is mi ganja.  Helps me ease up.  Since dis be Valentines, Have sum brownies deh.

Lanai: Oh thank you! I love chocolate! *puts some on a plate* Sooo, is Cupid OK or do you prefer to be addressed by another name? When I asked the last Cupid, he insisted that I call him “Tonight” or “Tomorrow” but I stuck to Cupid.

RastaCupid:  Call me Spliff

Lanai: Wow! These brownies are great Spliff, may I have the recipe?

RastaCupid:  Wanna tief mi recipe?  Naa mek mi vex mon!  dis be our first date.

Lanai: Is that what this is?  Ok onward with the interview Spliff, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and I know you are very busy so I will try to keep this short and sweet just like these brownies *eats another*. What is your prediction for Romance and couples this year, it seems like there is a lack of love on the grid between griefers and drama kings and queens.

RastaCupid: Slo dung on dem brownies deh gyal.  As much as I would like to see dem raggamuffins get along, sum people are too stupid for Cupid.  I choose to shoot them in the head instead of the heart.  Can't allow dem to procreate.  Dats why me bredda, the last Cupid quit.  He is now stoned in my secret garden.

Lanai: *looking outside through the doorway* I remember him. Anyway,  I love the mellow music you have going on here *starts to look around with a quirky grin* and the walls seems to be animated all of a sudden. Pretty cool. 

RastaCupid: Luv deh way yu look at me gyal.  Told yu my incense works.

Lanai:What were we talking about again, sorry I….think I need to fan myself, it’s getting warm in here.

RastCupid:  Hmmm! I'll bring you heat, like I bring to the sims my funky weed.

Lanai:  O.o Oh yea… the interview sorry I’m not sure what’s wrong with me today, I might be coming down with something because I feel weird and my skin seems to be super sensitive to touch.

RastaCupid:  *Reaches over and slides his right index finger over Lanai's forearm* Truu. Feeling irie too.

Lanai: Can I call you Ra or Raaar *starts to giggle* I have a question for you…Boxers or briefs? 

RastaCupid:  Mi kyaan lock mi hose off.  No calvins fi mi.  Size issue, zeen?

Lanai:  *Dreamingly looking down and then catches herself and rapidly looking up* Just to be clear…I’m not asking for myself, the single ladies of Second Life might appreciate me asking though.. Do you have a girlfriend? If not, do you want one? *looks at Cupid with a hazy gaze*

RastaCupid: I've had sum dutty gyals here.  Somehow, mi always ends up in some F$#%ery.  So me say "Fyah fi yu"!  No punaani's worth the amount of child support me paying deh.  Dem betta find sum odda Rent-a-Dread.  Fi yu Lanai, I wud make an exception.  Undastan?

Lanai: Oooh. OK… Well, off the record….I  think you are hotter than the last Cupid and your accent is a bonus. OMG! did I just say that?

RastaCupid: No worries!  Yu wanna romp wit me?

Lanai: This is our first date, remember? I’m feeling a bit tired and will have to wrap this interview up so…. back to being serious.  Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays because it is about celebrating Love.  It is also observed by those that have romantic interests and relationships in Second Life. What advice would you give to those that are single and didn’t get hit with your arrow this year?

RastaCupid:  Whateva yu are dween, Mash it up!  Dweet like it's yur last day.  Cock it up.  You see...Lanai?  Lanai?  She gaan, frass.  Must be da brownies.

Lanai: *Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Hahahaha! This is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Wicked article Bossman. Respek!

  3. Glad you enjoyed this interview and not to worry I recovered from those brownies with just a the craving for some more! lol


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