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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hodgepodge - The Furry Community’s Hidden Secret- Definate Balfour Reporting...

I wanted to cover a hidden gem in the furry community and someone I know really well, Englienwidow Resident the owner Hodgepodge, once she agreed to the interview I was so excited.

Hodgepodge is formerly known as The Sleepy Meeroo, originally named after Englien’s first Meeroo, but then was renamed when she decided to change the name to fit the theme of the store more¸ it’s a great collection of modifications for the furry community and avatar collector. The following is the interview done with Ms. Englien on her, her company, and her inspirations.

Interview with Englien

Definate - What got you into the furry community?
Englien – What got me into the furry community, well when I got into SL. I had an interest in werewolves and I thought that was what I wanted to be in Second Life, but eventually I met who became my adopted father in the game, Kiba, and realized that my love of animals in real life lead me to become furry in game. It also made sense to me to be this because I’m Native American in real life and believe in spirit animals that guide us and in some aspect represent us.

Definate -  Interesting, what was your first furry avatar once you realized you were going to be a Fur in game?
Englien – The fennec foxes because I've always liked foxes in real life and because the one I saw was cute. It was a specific fennec fox from Dark Spot Designs that I purchased and then became in a fursona, which is what many in the community call, their furry side.

Definate - So, why did you get into making modifications for the furry community?
Englien – I got into making my own furry mods because I wanted to make something different than what’s on the market. Originally, I made them just for fun, to have something unique, and stand out at the clubs, but my friend Radioactive encouraged me to try and release my mods to the public. I was surprised with how many people actually liked them. It wasn't soon after that I began getting asked to make custom mods because many other creators were refusing to do custom work and I’ve been getting more requests because those I did mods for were pleased and referred me to others.

Definate - For others that may be wondering, how do you keep so motivated with the demand on your time?
Englien – I actually enjoy making mods because it gives me a creative release that I haven’t been able to fill before and in that way I keep my motivation.

Definate - Do you have a goal you try to achieve when you begin working on a custom work?
Englien – Whenever I create a mod I always go in with the mindset ‘Is this something I would enjoy and use?’ so I always put as much detail as I can to create something beautiful because I’m my own worst critic. I've had customers very happy with the work, but I've gone back and redone it completely until I am 100% satisfied and give them the redone work to an even better response from them.

Definate - Of all your modifications what’s your favorite one you did and why?
Englien – My favorite one is one that’s not released, it’s one I've called ‘the dazzle Jex’ for the Aventity Jex. It’s my favorite because it’s inspired by a picture I took during a rare blizzard in my living area. The snow that fell gave me the idea once I saw it in the pictures taken and that am when it came into mind. It was when the snowflakes turned into a sort of starburst against the night sky when the flash of the camera went off. Actually, some of the markings on the skin are actually snowflakes from the pictures themselves.

Definate -  Is there any information about your company you’d like others to be aware of?
Englien – There’s a board at my current location that contains the prices for my custom work. I currently have a lot of custom work to finish including work on approved, but unofficial Fennux breedables skins.

Teleport to Hodgepodge

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