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Monday, February 25, 2013

Spotlight Feature: A New Jazz Club is in Town: Gringos - Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

  Jazz music originated in the early 1910’s in New Orleans and is a mix of African and European music traditions. The instruments used to set the tone of this popular genre are wind instruments like saxophones, trombones and trumpets mixed with piano tunes, bass guitars and even the banjo. There are other derivatives to Jazz which include Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Reggae and some good ol’ fashioned Funk.
In Second Life you can find clubs of all genres, but Jazz seems to be one of the most popular on the grid. I recently interviewed Gringo Miles, a resident that rezzed on the scene in 2007 and describes himself as an iron fist in a silk glove. He admits to never winning a popularity contest but can be one of the more honorable men you may ever meet. He’s straight to the point and handles his own business. Meet Gringo Miles

Interview With Gringo Miles

Lanai: Hi Gringo, it’s nice to formally meet you and get to learn a little bit about you and your new club. I like to start of my interviews by asking what inspired your name?

Gringo: I have spent 15 years exploring the Brazilian Amazon. When I started, I was often the only white man that many of the native people had seen. I became known as Gringo which is slang for white man in Brazilian Portuguese as well as it is in Spanish.  By the way, the term gringo is not a derogatory term in central or south America.  Gringo is only a bad word in the USA college crowd who have had little real world experience.

Lanai: Wow that’s an interesting reason and good information to share. From what I read in your profile, it shows that you aren’t one to beat around the bush and seem pretty straight forward. You put it out there with no shame and let people know about you. If you can describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?

Gringo:  RL hard ass with a soft heart

Lanai: lol creative use of words. So, pretty much people need to show respect and they will receive it back. So, what are some differences and similarities you share with your Avatar?

Gringo:  My avatar comes across far more easy going than my real life self does.

Lanai: Before we get into your New club, Gringos, I notice the shop across the street from the club. I can see you have an interest in motorcycles. I also see them lined up outside of the club. In your profile, you mentions being involved in the Gorean culture, can you tell me a little more about your other hobbies here in Second Life?

Gringo:  I go with the flow… always looking for and finding a new SL adventure.  Gor was one adventure; today creating a club is my adventure.

Lanai: I love that Second Life is so dynamic in the way we can experience different things. I’ve been here a long time and haven’t run out of adventures yet. I noticed you offer custom choppers. How would a bike enthusiast go about getting one made?

Gringo: I have built choppers and restored old Harleys in RL.  In SL I would recommend contacting De at DC Choppers for an SL chopper that is authentically detailed. 

Lanai: Taking a tour of Home of Gringos was very cool and I’ve stopped by a few times since just to hang out, have a virtual beer and play with the jukebox. I must say the atmosphere has an urban feel and reminds me of an old firehouse turned into a rugged dance hall. There’s a bar for the chuggers, stage, dance floor and seating area for the lounge lizards. What I really love is that jukebox because it is the only one in Second Life that I’ve seen that allows anyone to make up to 10 requests at a time from a very long list of songs. I think it’s neat that a live DJ plays them on a stream.

So Gringo, what inspired you to create your Jazz club? Do you have a team that helps you maintain the activities, services and products you offer?

Gringo:  Absinthe Seurat is the inspiration for Gringo's Club.  Abby is the beauty and I am the beast behind the curtain at Gringo's.  Abby systematically dismantled the mess I had before she got into the picture and added the proverbial "touch of class" that the club desperately needed. Beyond that we have retained M&M Marketing for professional marketing plus Weeblewolf Pinion for air time on his SL radio station. For more on information  on that

Lanai: Abby is very nice and so is Mark from M&M Marketing. We all hung out at Gringos and had a nice conversation. I look forward to more. When are you planning to open the doors to the public?

Gringo: With the help of M&M Marketing and Wolfhowls I hope to hold a grand opening on March 1st.

Lanai: Oh great, I look forward to seeing the turn out on your Grand Opening Day.  Are you hiring any staff?

Gringo:  We are hiring DJ's and hostesses.  A new DC Harley Chopper will be given away on opening night.   Abby is the club manager, when the club expands, we plan on hiring an assistant manager so Abby can have some well deserved time off.

Lanai:  Aww that’s sweet to say, her hard work shows.  Gringo,do you have a calendar of events that people can check out to see upcoming events and live entertainment?

Gringo: We are formulating that even as you and I speak and will announce it soon.

Lanai: Oh good. That will definitely keep people in the know about your events. In the meantime, what group can residents join to stay up to date?

Gringo: Gringo's

Lanai:  Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about you and Gringos Jazz Club. I’d like to tap out of this interview by asking you one last question. In the 6 years you have been in Second Life, I know you’ve seen the many different things that can happen here (good and bad). What advice would you give to new residents that are trying to find their nitch in this dynamic virtual world? Is there anything you feel is important for newcomers to be aware of?

Gringo:  The secret way for a newbie to find love and happiness quickly in the SL is to hang out at Gringo'. Joining Gringo's never fails to bring health, wealth and happiness to all noobs that come and stay.

Lanai: Well said. SLE Fans and singles looking to mingle, be sure to visit Gringo’s and don’t forget to have a drink for me!

Cheers to good times!

Grand Opening March 1, 2013 From 6-8pm SLT
Featuring DJ Weeblewolf Pinion

Contact Gringo Miles ( IMs and NCs welcomed)

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