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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get Ready For Baseball Season At Jersey City!

Stacey At The Bat A lot of people make an active effort to draw a solid line between real life and Second Life, especially in some of the sims I hang around in. That said, a lot of what goes on in SL is driven by RL. I live in Massachusetts RL, we just had 40 inches of snow fall in a week, and I trend toward warmer activities the moment I delve into this fantasy world that we all share. Fo' instance... the moment I open the SL Sports desk back...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mark Your Calendar for March Madness at Blackeri - March 1-March 31st

 Blackeri Mainstore Grounds Teleport  March Madness Events  The month of March is filled with sales, hunts, events, and a lot more. Blackeri & Blackeri Hunts has come together for the month of March to promote sales, deals, and even other creators grid wide! It's A Mad Mad World Hunt - March 1st - 31st This is a grid-wide hunt with over 20 creators from all corners of SL. The hunt is a twisted and dark...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Spotlight Feature: A New Jazz Club is in Town: Gringos - Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

  Jazz music originated in the early 1910’s in New Orleans and is a mix of African and European music traditions. The instruments used to set the tone of this popular genre are wind instruments like saxophones, trombones and trumpets mixed with piano tunes, bass guitars and even the banjo. There are other derivatives to Jazz which include Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Reggae and some good ol’ fashioned Funk. In Second Life...

Leaving Comments on The SL Enquirer

From The Desk of Lanai Jarrico With all the comments good and bad that are submitted to this website. I review them all and publish the ones I see fit based on my vision of The SL Enquirer.  The nasty and absurd comments never get published because I feel it's my responsibility as CEO to keep readers protected from those that feel the need to be negative. I want our readers in a positive mood and keep them from many of the...

Dating in Second Life© - Definate Balfour Reporting…

I’ve done it, you’ve most likely done it, and honestly I really don’t know of too many who haven’t done it. What is ‘it’ you might be wondering?  Dating is ‘it’! You roam the grid and you see it happening all the time, partnerships, engagements, and even people that have found love beyond the pixel, but all these things began the same way, dating. I wanted to know about others’ experiences, what they look for, and any advice that...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Open House at Evelyn Enterprises' Campus- March 5th @ 3pm SLT

Do you own a business in SL or RL and struggle with how to make it all "work"? Or maybe you want to start a business but are not sure about how to manage it? Then save March 5th @ 3pm slt  on your calendar for the open house at Evelyn Enterprises' campus. This open house is all about the upcoming class "How to Run a Business".  Taught by the dynamic Evelyn Johnson this course is set in a classroom environment...

Extending an Emerald Hand Beyond the Virtual World- Davvek Suun Ki Reporting...

We see movies about superheroes and wish the world had these costumed champions.  We look for good amongst all the challenges in real life.  Now, in a time when uncertainty seems to run so rampant; it’s good to know people are still at their best.  Just like that, a call for help is answered.  The popular sim Second Life continues to be a popular medium for virtual interaction.  Once...

Friday, February 22, 2013

DiversionZDance "Circus Diabolique" at Danse Macabre - LEA26 Performance Review- The SL Enquirer and the full house gives it two thumbs up!- Lanai jarrico Reporting…

On February 22nd. I received an event notification that read, "Ladies and gentlemen allow me to direct your attention to the center stage where you will bear witness to terrifying sights that will haunt you to the day you die....behold the Circus Diabolique and let the nightmare begin”. That was enough to make me dig through my messy inventory and pull out my best clown costume and get ready for the show. As I continued to read, “Be drawn...

Music is Magic - an interview with Mantis Oh

Take a look and listen to this - Amazing don’t you think?  Mantis Oh is one extraordinary avatar not only is he a talented designer of Sci Fi themed prefab dwellings and gadgets and much more, but he is also a magician of music, oh and a really great guy to boot. For an out of this world experience you want to visit his sim which is home...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Virtiual Asia Second Life Community Virtual Worlds virtual city: LiveMix Radio Improv Radio Extravaganza

Virtiual Asia Second Life Community Virtual Worlds virtual city: LiveMix Radio Improv Radio Extravaganza: LiveMix Radio Improv Radio Extravaganza Thursday 21 February @ 15:00 PST LiveMix is a radio show propelled by spontaneity, awkward sit...

Furry Friendly? CeciliaRosalie Reporting...

  It is such a different and rare topic. Isn't it? Let's get into role-playing (RP for short). Role-play refers to acting out in a particular character, using the words and customs of that character, become a mimic. Interesting eh? Keep in mind that actions which are OOC (Out of character) MUST BE noted in some way, or not used in this mode of communication this the basic rule. ...

Don't get Flicked Off Flickr. Check out these sources to protect your photos!

Are you a Flickr User? Here are some interesting articles you should check out to protect your pictures and account. New World Notes SL Newser

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Independent Ballet Present their New Ballet: ACCEPT- February 23, 2013 @ 2:30pm SLT at Branwen Arts Theatre

In ACCEPT, four young women struggle with their sense of self and their place in the world around them.  They are united by one thing - their love of dance.  ACCEPT follows the journey of these young ladies as they are each uniquely challenged, and as they come together. They learn lessons of tolerance, compassion, and empathy as they come of age as dancers, and as women. Based on an original concept by IBC's Deyna Broek, ACCEPT...

The Torch News: MySpace Had Some Good Bands, Didn’t they? Yes they did. Izzie DeClaun Reporting...

When I was in college about a million years ago, ( not really like 7-8 years ago) I was really into MySpace bands, there were some really good talent on Wow I just realized that you probably don’t know what I’m talking about. Okay? Read Mo...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Behind the Fennux: Interview w/the Creators -Definate Balfour Reporting...

We can pick from so many breedables to play within world, from kitties to dogs even plants, but has anyone wondered where they come from? Yes we all know the whole girl and boy makes baby part, but what about the creators, the grand masterminds that cause us to fall in love with adorable and awesome creatures to go forth and multiple? With this question plaguing me I was able to find the answer, for at least one cute and adorable breed. The...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cool tips for Dating an Avatar found on Discovery News- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

2/14/13 I'm a shameless news addict and not afraid to admit it. When I'm not covering virtual world news, publishing for others or roaming the grid looking for something to write about, I'm checking out news on different real world outlets often so that I can stay in the know about the world around me.  From that disgruntle ex cop stand off in a cabin, the germ infested broke down Carnival Cruise ship finally docking and unloading...

SLBR News: Some Linden Love on Valentine's Day- Bill Kaye Reporting...

If you logged in to find an extra 10L$ in your account this Valentine’s Day, then you have passed the Second Life “challenge.” Read More A Happy Valentine's Day from inKLine Media...

Sian Pearl: Extension of The Artist- Definate Balfour Reporting...

With the uniqueness of SL we can find ourselves coming across all sorts of people, personalities, and creatures. I found myself in this type of situation when I met a beautifully minded artist and blogger named Sian Pearl, as I got to know her I learned she had a lot more of herself to share. Her talented skills she’s used to run her own shop and provide others services within world. ...

SL Newser News: Scenes from One Billion Rising- Bixyl Shuftan Reporting...

On Thursday Feb 14th, the "One Billion Rising" took place in Second Life. A demonstration for womens rights across the world, the event took place in four sims, OBR Rise, OBR Strike, OBR Dance, and OBR Walk. The Second Life event was part of a larger global event with demonstrations across the planet.  At this exhibit sponsored by Madpea, there were numerous images of avatars with protest signs, such as "In Guatemala, there are two women...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

ONE BILLION RISING- February 14, 2013- All Day Event!

ONE IN THREE WOMEN ON THE PLANET WILL BE RAPED OR BEATEN IN HER LIFETIME.* ONE BILLION WOMEN VIOLATED IS AN ATROCITY ONE BILLION WOMEN DANCING IS A REVOLUTION Event Kicks off Today February 14, 2013 until Midnight! Dazzlers have joined the SL campaign of One Billion Rising, a Global movement against violence affecting women worldwide.  The number 1,000,000,000 represents one...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Center Ground Group Presents "Valentine's Day Ball" February 14, 2013 from 4-7pm SLT

The Center Ground group announces a Valentines Day event,  February 14,2013  from 4-7 PM SLT. The  Gallery is  displaying the works of 4 Second Life artist, and is curated and owned by Judilynn India. Come view the works of these talented individuals then retire to our rooftop greenspace for dancing and mingling while listening to fantastic musical selections.    The Curator, known in SL and 1st Life as Judilynn...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Take Your Date to the Movies! About Virtual Cinema- CeciliaRosalie Resident Reporting...

This article shouldn't start in any other way than with this question… What movies are playing?      In real life, going to the Cinema may be one of the most popular activities for couples on dates or just going out with a group of friends, but is there any place for it in our Virtual World?  I had never seen a Cinema in Second Life and I think only a few of my friends have heard of it, even though there are lots of movie...

Angelwood Bay Arts Center Opens Feb. 14,2013 at 1pm SLT~ For The Love Of Art.

Mission Statement: Angelwood Bay Arts Center is a sim wide arts center, dedicated to artist that are crossing over their work from SL to real life and vice versa.  A pioneering effort to support artists in their endeavors to promote and profit their work. The welcome center and the exhibits provide information connections to social media, sales and websites. Our opening exhibitors are working towards making that connection. We...

Egoisme Weddings Special Edition- All are Welcomed!

Do you want to Partner/Marry the love of your Second Life in a great location without spending a fortune? Egoisme Ltd. its proud to provide our customers the location for their wedding.  To book the location please IM Jeff Meredith or Ramses Meredith. There are no costs only free donations for this special moment. Step inside the gated heart doors. Peaceful serenity awaits you and your guests! Tour our location before to book...

Advertisement on VMS Online Magazine

Premium Placement Banner 600*90 shown all other the website just below the header Banner/Link: 2000 L$ for one month Other Options...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Great Video by One Billion Rising in Second Life- trytofight, YouTube

ATTN: Press & Bloggers you have the power to spread the word! The One Billion Rising regions will open for  press  Tuesday 12th February, from 12 noon till 6pm, and there will be a chance to meet and talk to some of the people organizing the event – and producing the video – at 4pm. If you are a blogger or journalist and would like to visit the regions, contact Saffia Widdershins or Qwis Greenwood inworld, or email, heading your email: OBR Press Preview. We look forward...

Hodgepodge - The Furry Community’s Hidden Secret- Definate Balfour Reporting...

I wanted to cover a hidden gem in the furry community and someone I know really well, Englienwidow Resident the owner Hodgepodge, once she agreed to the interview I was so excited. Hodgepodge is formerly known as The Sleepy Meeroo, originally named after Englien’s first Meeroo, but then was renamed when she decided to change the name to fit the theme of the store more¸ it’s a great collection of modifications for the furry community and...

Monday, February 11, 2013

INTERVIEW WITH CUPID Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

For the past few years, I’ve interviewed a very sexy Cupid for Valentine’s Day and with each passing year he seemed to be more distant and even mentioned hanging up his arrows and moving on to his second passion of dragon slaying and baking special cupcakes and brownies . It appears he did just as he threatened and passed the romance enhancing bow to the next in line. The great news is I have a Cupid to interview, this time it is a Rastafarian....

FEBRUARY: The month of RED!!! - CesiliaRosalie Resident

February has come and Valentine's Day is even closer, I personally and you too I guess face the dilemma: '' What to wear and rock in red?! “I do have the answer! Let me represent you some of the best fashion outlets and Must-have outfits:  Pricing starts from 55 lindens!! ...

Looking To Personalize Your Valentine's Day?

Fair Valentine's Day offers some great ways to celebrate the occasion with the love of your Second Life. One great way to express your love is with a graphics tee with his and her names in hearts with lock and key for only 99L. There are three styles to choose from. TELEPORT NOW TO GET STARTED! How-to Instructions:  When you arrive, right click on the vendor and pay the required amount. After you have paid, left click on the Item that...

Friday, February 8, 2013

VMS News: Terrylynn Melody - The Progressional Artist- Klarissa Huntress Reporting...

Last time VMS magazine interviewed TerryLynn Melody, the talented musician bared all in a frank, candid interview, discussing her journey from a young restless woman searching for herself, to her entry into the virtual world of performance. Four years later, VMS decided to follow up on the travels of this remarkable woman and discuss her rising to become one of the most respected professional artists on the virtual grid. So what exactly has...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

BLACKERI: Where Expression Meets Style. Interview with Definate Balfour –Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Blackeri is owned and operated by Definate Balfour and features edgy urban, emo, alternative, vampire and gothic styles for both men and women. You will find an assortment of graphic tees, jeans, purses, eyes, gestures and even crowns in 5 colors to choose from.  The SL Enquirer caught up with Defi at Blackeri to find out what brought her to Second Life and what inspires her designs and accessories. Interview with Definate Balf...

Attention Blog fans! There's a New One on the Scene! Straight Styling

Have you ever walked past an avatar and wondered where they got their outfit, shoes and accessories? Now you don't have to risk approaching them to ask and being rudely shut down and told to find your own trendy wear.   Ain't Nobody Got Time for bad attitudes, just being Badass! It's sad to say that many avies keep their wardrobe secrets to themselves while others may share a landmark and you are on your own from there. ΔƱGƱЅƬΔЅ ΔGΘℕƔ Straight...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Paramount Playhouse is proud to present "Mardi Gras", Burlesque and Comedy Performances Set to the Music of Mardi Gras and Brazilian Carnival this Sunday, February 10th at 12 Noon SL

 There will be a Mardi Gras Costume Contest with a $1000L prize, Trivia for Cash and fun for all!!  Come let Lotta,  Starlena, Belle, Mila, LeAnn, Pathmaker, Cordi, our dancing hostess Bea  and our dancing MC Ebony and entertain you this Sunday, February 10th at 12 Noon SLt at Paramount Playhouse on beautiful Spirit Marina!  An encore performance Monday, February 11th at 5pm slt.   Laissez les bons temps rou...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BSR Radio and The SL Enquirer Presents Bobby Brown's Birthday Bash- Tuesday February 5, 2013 Doors Open at 7pm SLT

Black Soul Rhythms Radio and The SL Enquirer are back for a New Year of  Themed Parties!  This and every First Tuesday of the Month! MISSED THE PARTY? CHECK OUT THE PICS! On Tuesday February 5th, 2013  we celebrated Bobby Brown's Birthday at The SL Enquirer Media Center for two hours of pop, lockin and droppin to "Every little step I take", "My prerogative" to "Rock Witch'a" and more. Robert Barisford...

Valentine's Night Sexy VS Sleazy - Coco Lierfatte Reporting...

Valentine's day is right around the corner, and most couples have something romantic planned. A lot of those nights end with the bedroom, so women prepare something sexy for their man. What is sexy and what is sleazy? Well it all depends on your taste, and your man's taste. ...

Monday, February 4, 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DCWF Wrestlefest V- Numbers Rossini Reporting...

All this week DCWF is celebrating not only its 5th anniversary but the 5th anniversary of Professional Wrestling in Second Life. The week is marked with events, happenings, and sports entertainment just about every night. Events begin Monday February 4th with retro matches, featuring DCWF stars of the past, as well as a date auction. Also throughout the week we will be auctioning off memorabilia from the past such as old gear, t-shirts, and...

Valentines Day Is Approaching...Are you Ready? Jaded Exonar Reporting....

Valentine's day.  Romance, roses, chocolates, music, and moonlight...But in Second life, we have the chance to  really  express ourselves.  Why not give something just a little different to your loved one this year?  After all, I've been searching the darkest, most secluded parts of SL to find  a few gems that might just surprise you...


From noon March 9th 2013 to noon March 17th 2013, the biggest, boldest and most fabulous fashion event of the year will take place, helping to raise funds and awareness on behalf of the ‘American Cancer Society.’ FASHION FOR LIFE is an annual, charitable fashion event, that brings together hundreds of clothing designers, skin makers, hair creators, jewelers and accessory designers to produce a brilliant shopping experience for the...

Sunday, February 3, 2013


SUPERBOWL PARTY $3,000L IN PRIZE MONEY. including Dancing, Partying, Loving, Laughing, Mingling, Having MANDATORY  FUN!   BEST IN TEAM COLORS CONTEST  1st Place $1,000L TO BEST MALE & $1,000L TO BEST FEMALE   2nd PLACE $500L TO BEST MALE & $500L TO BEST FEMALE LIMO RIDE ATTACHED: Teleport:

Superbowl Sunday Party at Aero Pines Park! February 3, 2013

  Come tailgate with us at pre-game and party with us during Superbowl XLVII - Free Jerseys & cheerleader outfits plus cheerleading dance pad for our guests! Teleport:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

IMPORTANT LETTER FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF: Is Second Life a breeding ground for Lunatics and Griefers? You too can be a victim. - Lanai Jarrico

How should we handle people that hide behind avatars and trespass against us with the thought that they can easily get away with it because nothing can be done to stop them? In the years I have been reporting news in Second Life, I have come across people with major attitude problems, drama enough to book solid five seasons of Jerry Springer, and emotional baggage handlers that we just want to put on a flight to oblivion in the name of preservation...

Friday, February 1, 2013

SLBR NEWS PR: Invest With Avatar Media Network- 1L per share

 Read Mo...

SL Newser News: (Dis)Ability in Second Life Research- DrFran Babcock Reporting...

This week on Virtual Ability Island, Ambrosia108 Azalee discusses her ongoing research study about Second Life and its disabled residents. Her second discussion is tomorrow at 8AM SL time. For her first, DrFran Babcock was there in the audience, and wrote about the event. Read Mo...

PR: WELCOME to the 2013 Pool of Hope Charity for Breast Cancer Awareness!

In association with Best of SL, Meshworx, Templemore City, Energy Club and the Gardens of Absentia. This year thousands of women and men will unite and walk 60 miles over the course of three days. The Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure is a weekend of hope, as we honor lives lost, celebrate survivors, promote breast cancer research and help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it. The 2013 BCA Pool Of Hope Charities will...