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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Weirdo and I ....

That got got your attention didn't it?  No I haven't got my own stalker, but I have a question for you.  Are you an art fundi?  Even if you aren't now is as good a time as any to broaden your horizons.

Gallery #1 of the Palais Orleans Gallery Complex, curated by Morgana Nagorski, presents The Weirdo and I.  The featured artists are Burk Bode and Maloe Vansant.

Morgana runs what she has termed "Duet" exhibitions at the Palais Orleans Gallery. This is where 2 artists are asked to work on a chosen theme and their work is then shown for 2 months.

The Weirdo and I is the first Duet show to be presented in the recently completed complex which opened on the 24 November 2012.

This particular show will run until the 3rd February 2013.

When asked what they thought of the theme, this is what Maloe and Burk had to say:

“The weirdo and I as theme leaves two questions open: "Who is the weirdo?" and "Who am I?". The questions that drives us around. How "normal" am I? How much of my inner weirdo can I show to the outside or how much DOES show despite all my efforts to keep it secret and hidden?

Virtual world photography (even more than photography in real life) is always a mirror of the inner reality of the person behind the picture. The multiple tools we have to guide the view of the beholder directly or unconscious to create a virtual unreality do reveal the creators innermost in the end.”

Time for you to explore your inner weirdo.


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