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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Spotlight on Las Vegas & SLebrity City: Interview with Vic (trulifehussla)- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…


    When I think about Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, I imagine wild nights, restless days, the hot beaming sun, high rollers, escorts, drag queens, Elvis, wedding chapels, pawn shops and all sorts of  energy packed entertainment. The infamous saying is, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. Perhaps the same can be said about Second Life’s version of sin city, without the gambling. Aside from SL’s Las Vegas City, is another sim owned and operated by Vic aka Trulifehussla, named SLebrity City. It is less lavishly designed but has a personality all its own with an urban twist.

I recently took a self guided tour of both sims and I must say the builders did a fantastic job of capturing the essence of city life by paying great attention to detail. I’ve visited many sims and have to say the atmosphere is what I would expect from an authentic urban community as well as a Vegas style venue, complete with unique events and entertainment.

 I sat down with Vic for an interview to find out more about him and the creativity and entertainment he brings to the Second Life community.

Interview with Vic AKA Trulifehussla 

Lanai: Hi Vic it is a pleasure to meet you. Your vision for Las Vegas City and SLebrity City are above and beyond what I’m used to seeing here in Second Life, but before we get into what your sims have to offer I’d like to give our readers an opportunity to meet the man behind it all. Where are you from and how did you discover Second Life?

Vic: I’m from NYC… But when I discovered it I was living in Vegas and was talking to my women at the time about life after death and she googled another life and second life came up. I checked it out and have been playing on and off ever since… That was in 08.

Lanai: That’s an interesting way to find Second Life. If you could describe your style in 5 words, what would they be?

Vic: Creative, Determined, Funny, Hussla and Sexy.

Lanai: You just described me, Thank you. lol Anyway, what inspired you to create Las Vegas and SLebrity Cities?

Vic: Well, Vegas was started with a skybox and it was a strip club with some shops. Its success encouraged us to expand to a full sim… SLebrity City was made because we wanted a place that had everything we like doing. We had nice cars and bikes, but we wanted to drive them at will in our own city… so we made shops with the best designers, we have a few clubs that do great… There are bridges and tunnels that get you through the city, also a roller rink, drive in theater and some Brownstones…

Lanai: Oh yes, I did see all those things, like the bowling alley and the different clubs. I plan on visiting more often.  The build and details of these sims are fantastic, who is responsible for that?

Vic: Well I built SLebrity City myself… Las Vegas City was built by Sensious Maximus and Supremius Maximus.  They own the Builders Brewery and are very close friends…

Lanai:  Nice. I know managing two sims must keep you very busy. Do you have a business partners or staff that helps you manage?

Vic: Well I am very busy… At SLebrity, I have help.  My sons help me run things there. They do a great job and relieve some of the load…

Lanai: It’s good to have a crew to help. I can appreciate having a staff too. Can you tell me what other things you have going on at Las Vegas City and the type of activities that occur in SLebrity City? From my tour, both are very different atmospheres.

Vic: Well, at SLebrity we have two main clubs where we provide great parties with Hip Hop and R&B.  We cater mostly to what I call the Teen scene on SL. It caters to teens and young adults so they have a cool place to hang out, shop and party. We like to keep a drama free environment too. Most of my sons are DJs. They have a Group called Rude Kamp. They host a lot of parties and different events on the sim for teens.

 Vegas is a different animal lol… We start the week with “Rehab Mondays”; a pool party that is hands down the liveliest party on the grid! If there is a better one, show me and I will be there. I love Fun. Ghost D of GDP is my DJ there and he brings it every Monday. The place gets swamped with beautiful women in the sexiest swimwear.  We average 80 avies there and have had up to 96. On Tuesdays, we have Hip Hop and Bowling in our Luxury Bowling Lounge with DJ S Class. On Wednesdays I’m off.  On Thursdays, we feature DJ Soopa Uglee in Las Vegas Nights Club and he brings in the old school crowd. It’s like a reunion. Very cool. On Fridays, we have Ghost D back at Club Chrome and then DJ Roca.  They start the weekend off right for us.  Every Saturday, we have “Schmokin Saturdays”. That’s been around as long as Vegas has been.  DJ Schmoke dawg from What Radio makes it fun and different every time. Sundays we end it with SIN CITY MALE REVUE where we have the best urban males dancing for the ladies.  The last event is DJ S CLASS with an R&B couples only event atop the stratosphere at Vegas where THE VIEW club sits. That’s a fun relaxing time to spend time with your boo or go find one there.

Lanai: Wow, that’s an extensive schedule you go there. I’m going to mark down a couple of those events, like that Sin City Male Revue you mentioned. Lol So, when it comes to urban role play sims in Second Life, what sets yours apart from the rest?
Vic: Well, we bring quality first and foremost. I’m about quality; we have the best in clubs, shops, DJ’s, Hosts and customers…

Lanai:  I can tell. So what are the rules you enforce on the sims? Are they different on each one?
Vic: Well they are a little more lenient on SLebrity City… But just mainly respect one another…

Lanai: That’s fair enough. Most avatars like to go shopping for new things, what type of shops do your sims offer?

Vic: We offer mainly clothing… Urban Clothing of all sorts, Jewelry and cars…
Lanai: I noticed a lot of nice cars and motorcycles on your sims. If you have a car show, I’d love to be there. Is there shop space available for rent? What about residential for those that love the city life?

Vic: Well shop space we do have some at SLebrity City…  In Vegas, we definitely have plenty shop space. I just recently started renting those.  We don’t offer anymore living space on the sims. It’s just my SLebrity team that lives there.

Lanai: That’s good to know. I hope you fill up all your shop space after this feature.  I wanted to say, I love hip hop music and the lifestyle, so I was pleased to get a nice dose of it as I did my exploring. I noticed a club with a long red carpet entrance.  That is just my style. How often do you have events there? Do you have contests and prize giveaways?

Vic: We have an event daily and two a day on most days… We do giveaways by way of DJs giving things away but not contest. I want people to come who want to party, not because they get a gift.  If they get one, that’s cool but don’t come for that.  I’m sure plenty still do that. but I never been a fan of it… come here because u like the DJ and atmosphere not for contest.

Lanai: Good response. So, which DJs are featured there?

Lanai:  That’s a big list of DJ’s you got there. Do you need a special group tag or HUDs for access and participation?

Vic:  No we don’t use HUDs.  Eventually the parties will be group tag only events so people may want to get it and save it now.

Lanai: Ooo I better do that.  For those looking, do you have any job opportunities?

Vic: Well I’m always looking for someone who has the drive to be a part of something and is willing to work hard for it. The rewards are in the success, not the pay check when it comes to SL entertainment. I can be a creator and spend my time mastering that and make a profit but I rather spend my time bringing you the livest and sexiest parties on the grid and most of all FUN!

Lanai:  Great perspective and attitude. Ok, this last question is for the ladies…*clears throat* Are you single, mingling or ain’t got time for all of that?

Vic: Hmmmm… I’m Private… *smiles*

Lanai: Sorry ladies I tried…. So there you have it peeps, two new sims to explore that are jam packed with entertainment. 

Be sure to check out Las Vegas & SLebrity City. You won’t be disappointed.

Additional information:
Preferred Contact: trulifehussla
Facebook:  Vic trulifehussla
Group: SLebrity City


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