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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lanai’s Diary: OMG I Gained the Holiday 10… -Lanai Jarrico

2012 was filled with all sorts of news, events, drama and whatnot and on top of it all I stepped on my scale this morning and it went up a notch or two…or ten!   I had a rough year so I indulged in many holiday cookies as well as big traditional family dinners. I guess I’ll kick off the year doing Zumba.  Just not today…
Besides the holiday 10, things are finally getting back to some normalcy on the home front and I’m easing my way back into my virtual office.  I think 2013 will be an interesting year and I’m excited to share what I'm up to.

I went ahead and threw myself head first into a new project here in Second Life © and accepted the position to co-host a talk show on Pulse TV Network. The show is called Girl Talk and is slated to begin production in January 2013.  I must warn you all that I have no previous talk show experience, my opinions may be a little off tilt, too real for some or have nothing to do with the topic at all, but I think it may be worth checking out.

I feel  it is about time I expand my virtual media horizons and do something that may potentially embarrass myself and blemish my already questionable reputation or  it could catapult me into some sort of superstar situation where I can no longer hide behind the scenes and handle my business like the wizard of Oz did.

I would like to see new things happen this year in Second Life. Many of us need to break away from the repetitive nature of the current environment and introduce new ideas and even people from the real world.  The virtual world has been around a long time but we are still in need of mainstream attention. New people bring new ideas and it helps keep things fresh and interesting.

If I’m going to step out from behind the curtain, I need your help. I would like to hear from the community so I can help improve your experience. If you have a topic idea you would like me to address an issue or interview someone, please feel free to email me at




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