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Monday, January 21, 2013

Cheshyr's Landing- Allen Eppenberger Reporting...

If you’re like me, you kind of use a “click it and see where it takes me” approach to Second Life.  On this particular day, I was in a Sci Fi mood and did a search and came up with the usual suspects.  A couple of links in and I came across a place called Novatech HQ & Sci-Fi Mall.

After rezzing on the teleport pad, I looked around at my immediate surroundings.  I was greeted by numerous view screens  offering everything from VR systems, role playing features, time capsules, and even elevators.  “This is cool”, I thought.  Then I decided to enter the main mall.

I was duly impressed!  There are four pillars in the octagonal atrium that are not quite trees, with a not quite leafy

 canopy at ceiling level, centered with a compass medallion.  At each rail of the upper three stories are planter boxes with greenery.  And a lovely fountain in center court.  If Novatech was cool, and the mall was this awesome, I had to check out ALL the stores!

I wasn't disappointed.  Every one of the 24 or so stores is SciFi or science related.  Themes range from Star Trek (Classic and TNG), Doctor Who, and quite a few I didn't recognize.  Time to catch up on my reading!  On the uppermost level, rather than a food court.  The designers thoughtfully placed a simple walkway with large picture windows for people to gaze out and observe the world this mall is located in.  While I didn't try to go outside to explore, it looked very appealing.

I heartily encourage everyone that is a SciFi themed gamer or world designer to come to Cheshyr’s landing.  The stores are sure to have something for everyone!

Teleport Now!

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