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Monday, December 31, 2012

What's Your New Year Resolution? -Coco Lierfatte Reporting...

At the start of every year people set a specific goal, one that they find obtainable within a year. Some of us succeed at obtaining our goals, and some do not. I got to talk to several people about what their goals are for last year and this coming year. There are a lot of great resolutions for the new year, but I only could choose ten.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
N.O. - To get a job!
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
N.O. - Yeps!
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
N.O. - To get my inspiration back and go to college.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
M.Z. - To find a job and keep it.
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
M.Z. - Yes I did.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
M.Z. - To be more understanding of people and become more helpful to people.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
N.G. - To have a better life the upcoming year
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
N.G. - i did and so far its all going well
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
N.G. - To Find someone who really cares for me so that I can have a real relationship and hopefully find a mom for my daughter since she needs a mom in her life.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
A.M. - My resolutions is always the same have an ever better year
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
A.M. - Yes I did
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
A.M. - Even better 2013

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
F.P. - To make new friends and stop smoking
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
F.P. - yes
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
F.P. - not sure yet maybe to be more assertive

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
S.R. - To make a living off of the gaming industry.
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
S.R. - Yes, I've built a very strong fan base of followers that enjoy the content provided through the game livestreaming industry.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
S.R. - I've been focused on everyone else this past year, that I've had to set my dreams aside. Although in the little time I have had, I'd say my progress has been nothing short of satisfaction when it comes to my needs. It's time to focus on me however, and in order to do that I have a lot of things to achieve.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
Q.U. - I didn't have one.
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
Q.U. - No, since I didn't bother to make one.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
Q.U. - To get my weight down.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
C.M. - my new years resolution last year was to slow things down RL and SL. I wanted to enjoy my days..weeks..months vs hurrying through them all .
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
C.M. - Yes i did.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
C..M. - This year I want to work on organizing my sl more. My inventory as well as the process of my job. I want to look for new and innovative ways to enhance my job here. There are so many possibilities and I would like to kinda step out of the ordinary. We will see.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
R.Y. - To spend more time with my RL daughter.
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
R.Y. - Of course I did.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
R.Y. - Not really much to resolve. I'll decide when I figure something out.

C.L. - What was your New Years resolution last year?
L.M. - I didn't have any resolutions last year.
C.L. - Did you follow through on your resolution?
L.M. - I have nothing to follow through my resolution.
C.L. - What is your New Years resolution this year?
L.M. - Honestly, I don't have a New Year's resolution.. I know that I won't be fulfilling it so I change as I go.

New Years resolutions can be any goal you wish to achieve, but it should be able to obtain within the year. A new When you choose your New Years resolution have fun with it, don't do something you'll not enjoy or feel like you succeeded at doing. I hope all of you achieve your New Years resolutions and have a happy twenty-thirteen.
-Coco Liefatte

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