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Friday, December 21, 2012

DOOMSDAY 2012- Do not panic.... F*$# THAT! EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!

Doomsday has been predicted for centuries by many believers around the world, stemming back to times when history was etched into stone by the Sumerians. Later on, other civilizations like the Mayans created a calendar that ended mysteriously on December 21, 2012.  It supposedly predicted this date as an end of a cycle. What could they have really meant if we are all still here as of sunrise? Was it simply meaning, the Winter Solstice, because that happens every year.

 Those that truly believe in the end of the world went into survival mode by stockpiling or even flocking to different sacred mountains and areas around the world, expected some sort of display of a higher existence. Apparently so much thought has been put into it that many of the surrounding hotels and motels at these locations are booked solid by whole families.

All over the world, there are Doomsday Parties happening right now. The media is claiming Mexico is doing it to help boost tourism since the rumored Dooms date was first predicted there.  Russia is partying up in a Bunker in Moscow, charging up to $1500 per person.  Reportedly, there is only room for 300 people.

In France, many are flocking to a mountain in the French Pyrenees, where people are awaiting an Alien ship that is said to be under the mountain. They believe a vortex will open up at the end of the world.  Britain’s, Stonehenge is the destination for the druids and believers to witness” Doomsday” or the Winter Solstice, front and center. In their beliefs, this does not mark the end. It is a new beginning of spiritual enlightenment.

Mount Rtanj is the location Serbians believe to be the place to go for Doomsday.  Turkey thinks the place to be is Bugarach, a small village said to be close to where the Virgin Mary lived out her last days.

In Italy, festivities include hot air balloons and music in Cisternino, located in the southern region. However, the Mayor reportedly doesn’t believe today is the end.

China on the other hand, has detained over 500 people leading up today for material pertaining to the end, such as leaflets, videos, books and other Doomsday paraphernalia.

Others believe in a second coming, rapture, comets, global warming, gun violence, chemical warfare,  bath salt zombies and the closing of Hostess; ending a long history of Twinkies.  The re-election of the President has also causes people to insist on our impending doom.

 Just know that whatever goes down today, wherever you are in the world. The SL Enquirer got you covered in Second Life©…unless the internet and power go out of course…

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