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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Business: Behind the Scenes With NightWalker Galaxy's Hollywood Fashions- Coco Lierfatte Reporting…


Hollywood Fashions is a great store owned by the master mind Nightwalker Galaxy. When starting a business you need to figure out your muse, you need to figure out your style and most importantly your business target. I got to sit down with the creator of Hollywood Fashions, and speak to him about his business and what it was like the first time he opened his store.



Interview with Nightwalker Galaxy


C.L. - When you are starting your new business, you are always working on finding your style. How did you start your store, and how did you find your style?


N.G. - Well when I started my store, I wanted to do high fashion. I had my first store at my friends place and I found my style from being a model in SL.  I always wanted high quality and high fashion.


C.L. - Starting a store is always a busy thing, there is a lot of things you need to get set up. What was it like when you started your store?


N.G. - It was tough because you gotta’ know the layout you want, how you want it to look, and what accessories you want in it.


C.L. Inspiration plays a big role in a lot of creator’s work. You have to find your muse and use it to your advantage. Where did you find your inspiration and what is it?


N.G. - Well as I stated earlier my inspiration was from me modeling and wearing designer clothes. So I guess my inspiration would be high designer fashion.


C.L. - There are a lot of ups and downs while starting of a business. Even if it's a business that has been around for a while, there can be problems. Has there been any challenges to the start of your business or even the business path today?


N.G. - Yes, a lot of the economy right now and also not many people use the stores in SL too much. A lot is done with marketplace and advertising. So a new person starting a business who doesn't have many lindens, really can't advertise or spend the big lindens to get their name out there. My biggest challenge is keeping up with the style and looks that people want. With my store being the more Hollywood look really elegant dresses the people are a few.


C.L. - Designers can get attached to some of their creations and find favorites. With tons of creations it can be hard to not find a favorite. Have you ever had a favorite creation, if so what are they?


N.G. - I would have to say I have two favorites as of right now. The first is the frozen dress, and the second would have to be the one I did for Relay for Life's Christmas Expo.


C.L. - Having the courage to start up a business in SL is a great thing. Being brave enough to follow through and stick with it is an amazing thing. What would your advice be that you wish you would have known when you started your store. What would you like to say to all the aspiring designers out there?


N.G. - I would have to say, first look at your competition and see what they are selling, the style people want and what they are buying. Then just go from there, but never stop believing that you yourself can be just like them.



When starting a new store NightWalker knows just what to do. Have faith, believe you are good enough, and work hard. Always find your muse when you are starting a new business. Follow your dreams, and they can come true. – Coco Lierfatte




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