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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Revolutionary sim performance monitor

Are you a sim owner, estate manager, or do you own a 16sqm parcel? Are you frustrated by the fact that it is difficult to monitor performance issues on your sim?

 DSE have come up with a solution to your frustrations and it is called the DSE Sim Monitor. The DSE Sim Monitor is a Second Life sim performance management tool which is provided freely to the entire community of virtual land owners to help you better monitor and manage your sim performance. Specifically it can answer the following questions which could not have been answered using more traditional tools.

Did sim performance change after last restart?
How did performance change after adding 10 more breedables?
Did enabling Pathfinding affect my sim performance?
When did my sim performance start deteriorating?

This revolutionary new sim monitor will not only show you the sim stats such as Region Dilation, Region FPS, and the number of avatars – it will even keep track of them over time. It will also display the Second Life average performance for every region that has an active monitor and then compare your performance to the “Grid” average.

Not only does this performance management tool assist residents and sim owners, but it also assists Linden Labs to identify issues as they can actually log into the system and see stats from your sims.

Zeebster Colasanti, CEO of DSE says “If as a sim owner you implement an Active Performance Management system it will analyze results from the Sim Monitor and automatically alert the support team to attend to any problems so you can take care of them even before the customer complains.”

It is not every day that you are given the opportunity to increase your levels of customer care and at the same time have a measurable tool for Linden Labs to work with at no cost to yourself.

For more information follow the links below.


Pick up your own Sim Monitor for FREE:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lacy for a wonderful article. Correction on my quote: Active Performance Management system is a separate system / service implemented at Dream Seeker Estates that works with the Sim Monitor to generate performance alerts for only those DSE regions that participate in the Active Performance Management program. For all other regions, including those outside of the DSE estate, the Sim Monitor provides performance reports but does not generate any automatic alarms.


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