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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MUSIC: SL Performer Biggen Inglewood Opens Up About Being a Live Performer- Coco Lierfatte

The stream starts up and the performer walks out onto stage. They really know how to work a crowd as they start there performance. Have you ever wondered how these performers get started? Or how they get ready for a show? Well I got lucky enough to interview the SL performer, Biggen Inglewood.

C.L. - Getting discovered is a hard thing to do, whether it be real life or Second Life. You have to keep trying, and take everything in stride. How did you get discovered as a live performer?
B.I. - My Wife got me started in here, and it was just getting out there and spreading the word.

C.L. - Being a live performer is a great accomplishment. The more you perform, the more experience you gain at knowing the types of crowds. How long have you been a live performer in SL?
B.I. - For a year and a half

C.L. - Live performing is a interesting career choice in SL. Things are always inspiring people to do things, whether it be something you'd do on your own anyway or not. What enticed you to become a live performer?
B.I.- Once again My Beautiful Wife Jewel Brinner Inglewood

C.L. - Preparing for a show takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. The best thing you can do before a show is to practice and get comfortable. What is some of your per show rituals you do to help prepare for a performance?
B.I. - Wake up and wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

C.L. - There has to be several things you enjoy about live performing. If you had to choose one thing though, what would your favorite thing be? Why?
B.I. - Just Entertaining I love to make people happy.

C.L. - People from across the grid come to watch your shows. Nerves can be high, or you can be cool as a cucumber. Do you ever get nervous before or during a show?
B.I. - The very first show yes, but after that it is not a problem at all.

C.L. - The performances are always unpredictable, it can go perfect or it can go bad. Somethings you'll remember for a long time.. What has been a memorable thing that has happened during one of your shows?
B.I. - It was my second show in Sl, and I strained my vocals. I had to stop the show early it upset me, but I think it was more embarrassing then anything else.

Second Life performers are always trying to entertain the crowd. The best thing about live performing is, how much fun you are having. Knowing how an entertainer got started, is not always something you learn. I find that it's always interesting to hear how a performer got started.

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