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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monumental Election Day -11.6.12 Obama Re-Elected

Momentum has been building up until Election Day 2012 with campaign debates. mudslinging, piles of campaign postcards and brochures, signs in yards, posters and billboards. No matter where you looked, you were reminded of this day and just how important it is to vote.

Voters across the United States sat tight when polls closed at 7:00 pm on the eastcoast and for each time zone. Americans and the world turned to TV, radio,cell phones, the internet, and many flocked to their social media outlets to express themselves. What made this as well as the 2008 election so important for President Obama, was the strength of social media, young voters,women and those concerned for the protection of women’s rights, health care reform and moving forward!

Did you know 70,000,000 Americans use Twitter alone? 70% are under the age of 44 and 60% are women.

1 comment:

  1. SHOUT OUT to RL voters who stood for hours waiting to cast their vote. Special mention to SL voters who proudly campaigned for their candidate in the virtual world. Congratulations to America !!


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