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Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't Break Your Wallet Holiday Decorating- Coco Lierfatte Reporting...

 Summer has wound down, the trees are changing and the air is getting chilly. Smells of delicious pumpkin spice, and pine trees fill the air. Young couples cuddling up by the fire with hot chocolate to keep warm, show signs of the holidays approaching. How will you decorate though? Will it be luxurious? Or will it be simple? You have so many choices, but if your on a budget it's a little harder to decorate. That's why I will give you some great ways to decorate without breaking your wallet.

Decorating in SL is my favorite thing to do. Finding good quality stuff that is not going to make you strapped for lindens, is not always easy. First you have to decorate for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then my personal favorite Christmas. So if you're like me and you like to decorate for every holiday, your going to be using a lot of lindens. That is why you should always have an idea of how you wanna decorate. So when you shop you don't buy things you don't need or won't use.
Let's start off with the basics of budget shopping, if your a shop-o-holic like me. You may have some problems with buying things that aren't needed, so here are some tips for shopping on a budget. First, do research whether it be at inworld stores or at Always compare prices for the things you want at other stores, I can not tell you how many times I bought something. Then found out later one of my friends bought it for a lot cheaper than I did. Second, when you get ready to start buying things, make a folder of everything you'll need. This includes your landmarks you are wanting to shop at for your decorations, and the list you need to keep up on your screen. Third, set aside a certain amount of money that you can shop with. If you have rent money you don't wanna go shopping, look at the lindens on the corner of your screen and realize you have blown all your money. You always want to be prepared for anything when you go shopping, keeping organized will help you from going over your budget.
Now let's start talking about some of the good shops to look at for cheap yet great quality things. Some of the best places I have found to shop like; {What Next}, Lisp Bazaar, Kidd Grass Garden, and The Loft to name a few. All four of these stores carry Christmas stuff when the time comes to shop, from vitnage decorations to unque and chic. They are reasonably priced and the quality is amazing, they carry different styles of designs for everyones taste. If you don't find anything at those stores you like, don't panic there are tons of other stores in SL.
For the people out there that are good at building, but don't have the money for decorating building is a great substatute. You can make so many things with just a few textures and some hardwork. For those out there that can not build, they have tons of freebies out there you just have to look. You can always find ways around not having any lindens, you just need to search for what's right for you.
Holiday shopping is one of the funnest times of the year, you can shop on a budget or go hog wild. All you need is to have fun, any amount of lindens, and of course a plan on how to decorate. Make your holidays one to remember, and don't get discouraged if you can't find what your looking for right away. So happy holidays for everyone out there!

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