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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Elders Summit 2012- Second life's Secret Society meets to discuss SL

There is a secret society in Second Life © that consists of a round table of elders. Some are disguised in younger skins or reincarnated into another avatar being. Others remain in the same form they rezzed into the virtual world and can be spotted in plain sight. The knowledge these elders possess can help build a virtual empire or can easily blow an idea down like a house of cards. Anyone with that power should be respected or at least acknowledged.

The Second Life elders consists of those individuals who do not care for personal recognition nor do they place themselves as a normal member of society. The elders are just that. They are the most experienced members of Second Life  society and they demand respect or misfortune will follow anyone who dares to challenge their experience.

Longevity comes with earned respect and a genuine love for the virtual world. Elder do not harm those that have come after, they merely give advice. If it is taken, it is like being touched by an angel. If disregarded, it is a lost opportunity to gain a perspective from those that have years of wisdom to share.

At this year’s secret summit the elders seemed worried and frustrated. They fear that Second Life has not only lost it’s luster since the big avie boom of 2007 and it is struggling to regain composure. People seem to lack respect for each other as the older generation moves on and the younger generation moves in. these newcomers seem to view the virtual world as just a game or mistakenly comparing it too closely to the real world, including unrealistics demands to time, emotional distress, dirty tactics and drama.

The elders compared the negativity to an infectious disease. An elder went on to explain, “It is not as serious but the effects can be devastating and leave lasting scars”. “Drama is the single thing that threatens the community and infects everything and everyone around it”

 An elder brought up business in Second Life and had this to say. “Many businesses are struggling with owners that base their decisions on an outside source or hang on to hope with no real team structure or foundation.” “Others give up and move on to new ideas leaving a mess in their wake. Sometimes disregarding those that helped them the most”.

One elder said, “ It has been an ongoing cycle since the beta days and it seems the Lindens have abandoned the community and let the griefers devalue it”. Another elder chimed in and said, “there is just too much drama and not enough common sense”. The majority agreed.

The thoughts about a society in shambles seemed to sadden the elders who want to see Second Life continue to be a creative outlet for many around the world. With some hesitance one elder said she would fight tooth and nail for those that have something to offer the community.

Lanai contributed to the meeting by explaining the good she still sees in the people she meets and works with. She truly believes that all hope should not be lost and kindness will always prevail over negativity. That is where she sees hope. Once that is lost, there is no community or people you can trust. Lanai also admitted that she could easily lose her cool and rain down hard on some people who have caused her grief lately but she has been refraining from taking such actions. The elders applauded her for that because writers can do more harm with a pen, then a sword and no one wants to see her bad side.

As the summit continued and the elders expressed their opinions, one thing that stood out amongst them in agreement was that they will continue to be look over the community from the Elder’s watch tower and help those that truly deserve it.

Elders Summit 2012

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