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Monday, October 22, 2012

Artist Reception in Honor of Derry McMahon - October 27, 1PM SLT

St. George Art Gallery
Artist Reception: October 27, 1 PM sl
ARTIST: Derry McMahon
*And presenting the smooth bluesy style singing voice of 'Gina Gracemount'
Derry McMahon
Derry McMahon is the founder and the chief librarian of Seanchai Library, where for the last four years she has been immersed in “bringing good literature to life in Second Life,” using storytelling to bring pictures to your mind.
Recently, Derry found a talent for SL photography and began exploring this virtual world with camera in hand, working hard to develop her skills and create expressive images that revel in the interplay of color, light and form.

Her images are influenced by her passion for detail, getting up close to focus on the “bits and pieces”of Second Life, abstracting the fine details that are often overlooked in her quest to bring to life and share her vision of this virtual world.
Derry continues to manage Seanchai Library, one of the longest-lasting storytelling venues on the grid, with sessions from a variety of storytellers four nights a week plus regular sessions in Fruit Islands. But now she splits her time between her beloved library and her new passion for creating images.
'Gina Gracemount'
Gina has a smooth bluesy style which lends itself well to many genres of music, from jazz to blues, through modern romantic and R&B/Rock. She loves to sing and share the fun with others... both in Second Life and RL!
Come along and join us for great dancing, with a few giggles thrown in for good measure!
I have some recordings online at Reverbnation if you would like to take a look at or show schedule and downloadable mp3s at (new listen live feature when shows are on )
*This is a Benefit Reception for: 'War Child'. (
Hiawatha Runningbear, Curator

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