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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spotlight on ByrneDarkly Cazalet, Curator of the Tart Gallery -Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 Artistic expression is everywhere we look in Second Life © . Art can be seen in the landscape, the objects that bring the grid to life and the avatars that reflect their personalities through the unique style they have.

ByrneDarkly describes herself [in her profile] as a wandering artist and a musician on hiatus. In the virtual world you can find many creative people with a variety of talents like her, but what sets ByrneDarkly apart is her underground and lowbrow style and the reason she keeps coming back to Second Life ©.

Meet ByrneDarkly Cazalet

Lanai: Hi Byrne, You have been in SL for a very long time. How would you describe your overall experience in Second Life?

ByrneDarkly: I've spent a large amount of my time in Secondlife over the past 5 years.My experience overall has been a positive one of making personal connections to some wonderful and creative individuals as well as establishing a virtual place to showcase my own artwork and the RL work of artists I admire at the Tart Gallery. I've had the opportunity to invite the artists to enter SL and attend the virtual opening and meet the attendees,I've also hosted SL photography and drawing events in-world. All in all it's been a great learning experience and a fun, creative time.

Lanai: That is one of the things I find most fascinating about Second Life. The ability to share alent not just locally but on a global platform. I think it is great that you mesh RL with SL in such an artistic way. Can you share what year did you arrive in SL and how often you visit ?

ByrneDarkly: I joined in 2007 and visit daily. Basically,Second LIfe has replaced television in my life.SL may suck one in but it is so much more creative and social than TV.

Lanai: I agree. I don’t watch much TV either. I get more substance from SL. By visiting daily, I can tell SL is an extension of your real life. In SL, how many avatars have you created in the time you have been a resident?

ByrneDarkly: I've only created 3 avatars,one of which is never used,the second one for occassional RP but my main and first account is still utilized regularily.

Lanai: It good to balance business and fun here in SL because there is so much to do. What part of the world are you from?
ByrneDarkly: I'm from Vancouver BC Canada.

Lanai: Cool, never been to Canada but I heard yall have some great waterfalls. The funny thing is I think I’m closer to them than you are cause I’m in Pennsylvania. (lol)
Do you find that you spend more time in Second Life, during Winter or Summer months?
ByrneDarkly: I spend more time in SL during the winter months when I’m indoors more often.
I’m a painter though so I’m inside quite often anyway. ;)

Lanai: I’ve noticed through the years that Winter is definitely full of activity in SL. What type of activities are you interested in?

ByrneDarkly: I run my own art gallery,The Tart Gallery and host art shows by RL pop artists once a month, as well as hosting the Kamera Klub in-world.
The events feature props and poses made by SL creators. I have a different featured model and DJ each month, artists,photographers and creators pose for various themes. I also enjoy exploring SL art installations and creative sims. I can't deny that Second Life © is also a great place to find amazing clothing and fun and fabulous creations for the home.

Lanai: Nice, mixing art and entertainment is a great way to get sl residences involved but it opens the door for many in the real world to join in the fun. Do you have a favorite place to hang out or shop? If so, where did you go?

ByrneDarkly: I attend a few of the clothing fairs and hunts, and regular events like Collabor88 and Fifty Linden Fridays .I'm also a bit of a lounge lizard and spend quite a bit of time listening to the DJ's at the Velvet, The Rubb, Z & A Coffeehouse, Propane and Hanky Panky Room. I regularily check out the art installations at Art Screamer and wherever else I hear about. I love the fact that belonging to groups in SL one can get notices about events,so there is always something to do.

Lanai: It sounds like you are reaping the benefits of being in Second Life. Many have tried and failed but you have lasted 5 years! What brings you back to Second Life?

ByrneDarkly: My mission has been to expose people to lowbrow,pop and underground art.Having a virtual place to connect with people from all over the world has been invaluable.I'm drawn back to the incredible creations in SL, ever changing landscapes and scenarios and the people most of all.


Lanai: Well Said Byrne. Thank you for sharing your SLife with SLE.

Pop,underground,pin-up,girly,lowbrow art gallery
Monthly group shows and events!
Coming up!

STORMY EYES Art by Megan Besmirched
on now!

KAMERA KLUB September Event.
Sunday Sept. 30 1-3pm slt
w/ ALYX AERALLO and DJ Mallory Cerise

STORIES UNWRITTEN Artwork by Jon MacNair
Saturday Oct. 6 1-3pm slt w/ DJ Gentoo Ghost

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