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Friday, September 14, 2012

Spotlight Feature: Meet Alma Fushikizoh, Owner of Birdland Jazz Club and Lounge - One of Second Life’s © last true Jazz and Swing venues still around. Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Have you asked yourself, what brings you to Second Life © ? Has your time been well spent? Can you say that you have genuine friends that you can trust?

Many Second Life residents have spent years in Second Life letting their creativity lead them and others just had a taste of the possibilities for a couple of months weeks or even days.

No matter how long you have been in the virtual world, there is still plenty to do, people to meet and things to learn. Each avatar contributes something to the virtual world community. Whether it is a business owner selling merchandise, roleplayer and escaping from the stresses of RL or a artist showcasing their work for others..Everyone has a story to tell and something we might learn a thing or two from.

Alma Fushikizoh is an avatar that has been a staple of the SL community since 2006. She certainly is a busy bee. Not only does she own and operate her own business; Birdland but she also belongs to a classy Burlesque Dance Company. 

Meet Alma Fushikizoh

Lanai: Hi Alma, You have been here for a long time now, how would you describe your overall experience in Second Life?

Alma: SL started as an experiment. A blogger friend posted something about this new virtual world she found and I went in to investigate. The rabbit hole was deeper than I thought; I never left until I really had to and behold: I am back. Overall it has been a marvelous experience, and in particular because I found my true love in world and now live with her in RL. When we met I was so lost inside and immersed in my SL being… Blysse saved me in more ways than I can describe, but not from SL – from myself. SL is a magical place where you can express who you really are just as easy as you can hide it. I chose not to hide and opened myself wide.

Lanai: That’s a great perspective to have now. and I’m glad you found happiness.SL truly is a magical place and it has helped so many realize their talents and find true love. What year did you arrive in SL and how often do you visit ?

Alma:I arrived on November 2006, rez day 12/06/2006. I am in world every day.

Lanai: How many avatars have you created in the time you have been an SL resident?

Alma: Alma has always been Alma, no one else – no Alts, no RP, no mind games. I have two business alts, one is active as a teacher and builder (alone time with no ding dings) the other only has two friends and is strictly a “Banker” – helps me control my shopping!

Lanai: I love to see residents in their original Avatars. Nowadays you can’t tell if a noob is really an elder hiding from drama or a maniac ex. lol This is my original Avatar too, aside from all the skin and hairstyle makeovers through the years. So what part of the world are you from?

Alma: I was born and raised in the North of Portugal. I moved to the USA to be with my love, Blysse Biondi, in 2008. That was the reason why we had to leave SL for a while.

Lanai: Oh that’s understandable. Moving, especially international, does take time for adjusting. What types of activities are you interested in?

Alma: I am the owner of BIRDLAND Jazz Club and Lounge, a Jazz Club made for romance that was born in 2007 out of my love for Blysse. I wanted to create a place where lovers and friends could come and enjoy precious moments together. That is one of the reasons we came back. I also belong to a Burlesque Dance Company, Showgirls & Burlesque, probably one of the oldest dance troupes in SL. For the longest time I was involved with the GOL project, from GOL 2 to GOL 4, starting as a dancer, then a teacher at GOL Academy and finally as HR manager. I am a builder, built all our houses in SL, and both the Bird and the Redneck Honky Tonks Saloon (Tonks plural, it’s a Danish thing), my sister’s club. I love building, that’s my other SL passion.

Lanai: I remember GOL! What a classy place. I’ve also been to a Burlesque Dance Company performance. It really does take talent to create such entertaining establishments. Do you have a favorite place to hang out or shop? If so, where and why?

Alma: God, apart from Birdland, but I am partial there, I love The Stork and the Fiume, I still love to go dancing at Elements (GOL the 8th Element now), then there is my sister Rolle Telling’s club, the Redneck, which is atypical, but great fun! As for shopping, there are too many places to mention, although Felinni deserves a mention, as Dirty Lynx does – yes I am eclectic. I am a graphic designer in RL, so all Japanese designers in SL are close to my heart.

Lanai: I’ll have to check out Felinni and Dirty Lynx and get a little eclectic too. Before we wrap up this interview. What brings you back to Second Life?

Alma:In one word: Love. Blysse thought it was time and after a period of stabilization in RL, after moving to another Continent that was bound to happen, we decided to bring Birdland back as soon as possible and reconnect with Showgirls and all the dear friends we missed so much. For SL was never a game to us, and all our memories and feelings from it are as vivid and real as any others in our minds and in our hearts. Sadly, some friends are gone forever… They will be in our prayers and thoughts and what we do in world is also a tribute to their memory… It feels good to be back.

Lanai: Welcome back to SL Alma, on behalf of me and The SL Enquirer, we wish you and Blysse all the best.

For more information about Birdland, visit
 The Caribbean (36, 184, 21)

Burlesque Dance Company:

 The Caribbean (36, 184, 21)


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