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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spotlight on Maya Sharpshire: In the Zone ...Luc Fray Reporting...

Maya Sharpshire
Maya Sharpshire heard of Second Life 6 years ago on tv, but it wasn't until 2009 that she started her humble beginnings. According to her, her first week had been quite difficult as she didn't really know anyone and she was left to herself to explore alone the metaverse.

Maya Sharpshire
It was only until she met somebody who taught her how to do business in Second Life that she started to do better. After 3 months, Sharpshire started her own business and not long after that, she opened an affiliate store which was a big success. Five months in the run and she established a model academy.

Currently, Sharpshire is one of the owners of InWorld Inc. She mentioned that the responsibilities are endless and it can be quite exhausting, but it's fun and that she loves being in the fashion business. Team Work, Communication & Thinking Fast is her advice on how to survive in this jungle industry!

InWorld Inc. started first with their publication (
After that, they got the name of the agency and academy from their Magazine's name. It was launched last year, 15th of May 2011. As of the present, the InWorld team consists of Maya Sharpshire (President), Teyara Mayo and Landa Crystal (Vice President), Liam Netizen (CEO), Dasia Mocha (COO), and AntoniaXP and Helen Zhora (Executive Officers).

When asked if she has any favorite designers, Sharpshire shared that she mostly love the creations of Japanese Designers. She added that she love edgy and casual chic styles. The reason why she love the fashion industry is, according to her, because it is full of never-ending stories, innovation, art, and beauty. An event organizer and make-up artist in RL, she ventured into this SL business because her work is more or less related to fashion.

In an industry where it can get very competitive, Maya mentioned that it can get pretty down and dirty. She recalled how there can be a lot of detractors and troublemakers in the fashion business. Most of those who are divas and conceited individuals, however, she's not even familiar with. "Some of them have bad behaviors and can't control themselves... some of them are depressed persons who don't have an RL job who only spent time in SL and trouble others, or that they want to be somebody in SL that maybe they are not in RL." She also commented that a lot of back-stabbing can happen to poison other people's opinions, she being a victim too many times of that. She was quick to add though that not all the people in the fashion world are like that, and that for every bad apple out there, there are ten people who are kind and generous.

Sharpshire continued on to remark that eventhough it's very hard, especially when RL work conflicts with SL, and you can't always be present in overseeing your business all the time, she has her Team who works hand-in-hand with her. When asked what she does in her spare time, Sharpshire enthusiastically said that she can be found building, designing clothes, taking pictures, and meeting with client and staff at New Gen - Bali Virtual Island.

What's in store for InWorld Inc. in the future? "A lot," Maya goodnaturedly remarked. Fashion show events and other shows are in the line up, so just keep updated.


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