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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jingjing Breedable Pets Coming This Fall by LZ Productions

Jingjing Store:

Monday, July 30, 2012

Amazing new dress ! Kasi Air of Delirium Style @ MIMI'S

Amazing new dress ! Kasi Air of Delirium Style @ MIMI'S, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.KASI AIR dress ! (2 textures)Soft, cute and elegant :)MESH dress in 5 sizesMatching flats, purse and necklace (not on the picture)Welcome Christel Morane at Mimi's Choice ! :)*Bliss Hair*shoes: Cathy, Redgravepicture taken at the new SOL

Sunday, July 29, 2012

GODS OF VALOR: Do You Have What It Takes?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Ancient Rome and Gladiators come alive with historical role-play in Gods of Valor in Second Life. 2012-07-27 - Lake Tairov, SecondLife - In real world history, the town of Casilinum is located 3 miles northwest of Capua in the Campania region an area known for producing the finest gladiators in all of Rome. Today, in SecondLife, Casilinum comes alive once more only this time, her arch rival in the gladiatorial games...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sci Fi in July: Machinima Fest and Appearances Program

Here is the exact schedule for the Sci-Fi in July science fiction machinima event (and cosplay contest) JUL 29 at AviewTV in Second Life. We will be running many films and hosting personal appearances from some of SL's best machinima creators. This is a great chance to meet the directors! PROGRAM.......

Friday, July 27, 2012

SL Newser:London City to celebrate 2012 Olympics- Bixyl Shuftan Reporting...

Image retrieved from SL Newser One of the more popular places in Second Life is London City area, which offers a number of events. And when the real London has a celebration, it's often reflected here, such as the Queen's Jubilee earlier in the year.On Friday July 27, the 2012 Summer Olympics begin in the real life London. In London City, the place has been decorated with Olympic symbols, and a stage has been set up for Olympic themed events....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Academies Royal de Musique and Peinture presents the 3rd Annual Music and Arts Festival July 27-29

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Duche de Coeur’s Academies Royale de Musique and Peinture are proud to present the 3rd Annual Music and Arts Festival!   This year’s musical itinerary opens Friday, July 27th at 1PM with Tamra Sands performing at the Languedoc Opera House Ballroom.  Also performing are some of the Academie’s regular musicians like Ceci Dover, Waltkeys Faith, SaraMarie Philly, Maxx Sabretooth, JooZz Magic, Voodoo Shilton,...


NEW OF JADOR !!! FEDERICA, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Yes , ziamela Loon closed her mainstore last week, but she's brewing the hottest designs again, like this Federica !Complete outfit: bathing suit, skirt (mesh), jewels, hat and bag with book !Available @ MIMI'S CHOICE ! 350 L only !picture: ziamela

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So You Think You Can Choreograph? ~ Shon Charisma Reporting

One of the first things I did on the grid when I finally decided to stay was dance ... badly. I had my couple of free, not that great dances, and I ran to clubs to get my groove on. Two years later, as a founding member of Unity Productions, I find myself buying dance animations like they are going out of style and spending a great deal of time choreographing for performance...

Spotlight on Nila Byron- Meet a Masterful Creator with a Brilliant Imagination - Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Whisper Forest Hidden deep within the virtual world is a place of enchantment. A true avatar paradise where fantasies come to life. One creative soul has mastered the use of lights to make the landscape glow as if sprinkled with fairy dust. Step into Nila Byron’s world where fireflies light the way to ancient ruins, secret passageways, underwater landscapes, mountainous terrain, private estates and a magnificent castle said to belong to the...

Second Life Etiquette: Friendships And Deletions (part1)- Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

This is my first installment of a series of articles regarding etiquette in Second Life. In this series I will be addressing different forms of etiquette from how we mix and interact with people online in the virtual world to situations such as conducting friendships, business, deleting people to what makes a good profile and more. Everyone has their own opinion on good and bad behavior in an online situation and so I will begin this series...

OI Magazine: Luc Fray Interviews Socialite & Entertainer Simone...

OI Magazine: Luc Fray Interviews Socialite & Entertainer Simone...: Close up of Simone Reverie (Valora Al Nahyan) Simone Reverie aka Valora Al Nahyan , like many of Second Life™ residents, started playi...

Friday, July 20, 2012

SPOTLIGHT DRAWING- JULY 30TH- ENTER NOW! Got News? Get it Published! SLE Group members get 10% off ad options

Got an upcoming event, some hot new business or service to promote, land to sell, an announcement to make or some breaking news to share, contact Lanai at, or drop off a notecard in our media center mailbox! Our Ad Options 300L-  Event  press Release 1000L- 1 month banner/link-press release 3000L- spotlight feature/ 1 month ad banner Are you an active media source? Become an Affiliate,...

ProFashion Productions Launch Party!

You are cordially invited to attend the official ProFashion Productions Launch Party! When: Sunday July 22, 2012 12:00PM SLT Where: ProFashion Productions Headquarters Attire: Fashionably Chic ...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

WIN BOXING: Curtiis Roff Crowned New Aver Lightweight Champion

KARINE KOBA ARENA, WARRIOR INSTINCT SIM: On Saturday Curtiis Roff claimed the Warrior Instinct Nations (WIN) Aver Lightweight Title in a win over Garret Woodrunner by third round knockout. ...

Sci Fi in July: Meet the Filmmakers

We have a star-studded sci-fi lineup of fabulous filmmakers for the upcoming SCI-FI IN JULY Film fest and Cosplay Contest Event at AviewTV. Some wonderful machinima world premiers and chances to meet and greet the creators themselves......

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

NEW ! DE Designs Nexus

NEW ! DE Designs Nexus, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.Available in SL and Inworldz at Mimi's Choice !Check alse the other designs of DE DESIGNS Lollipopz Isabela (Mimi's Choice)skin Redgrave,

Monday, July 16, 2012

Casket Sharp Hunt - Coming Soon! Vendors Apply

Casket Sharp! Hunt Duration: August 21 – September 18 Application deadline: July 22 Accommodations: 50 store maximum Focus: Male & female/unisex items (While it is not mandatory for a store to make both a male/female item, it is however highly recommended.) Packaging – Boxes will be provided for 3 categories (Female, Male & Unisex) Hunt prize cost: $2L Hunt Order: Based on order of...

NEW ! Sleeveless dresses of Gabriel

NEW ! Sleeveless dresses of Gabriel, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.NEW ! Sleeveless dresses (mesh) great textures and colors ! Come try a demo at Mimi's Choice !

Saturday, July 14, 2012

ProFashion Productions Company Launch!

PROFASHION PRODUCTIONS – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 14, 2012 Roe Woodford, Second Life Model, avid fashionista and Fashion Show Director, has launched ProFashion Productions, provider of fresh, unique and innovative marketing campaigns through Second Life fashion. Specializing in high-end fashion show coordination & fashion public relations services, ProFashion Productions is set to become a leading resource for fashion show productions...

SL Newser: No Convention This Year - SLCC 2012 Won't Take Place

Second Life fans whom enjoyed going to their yearly convention got some disappointing news. AvaCon, the group that organized last year's Second Life Community Convention (before, it was done by The Future United) announced it would not be doing another. There would be no SLCC 2012. The only reason given was "changes in the terms of the contract offered by Linden Lab this year," which they did not mention. The event would have been the 8th SLCC...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sci Fi July! SUN 29 Film Fest and Cosplay Contest at AviewTV

It's SCI FI JULY at AviewTV this July 29! A film festival celebrating the art of speculative machinima! Premiering new works by Glasz DeCuir, Miles Eleventhauer and more! PLUS COSPLAY CONTEST!!...

WIN Announces Fifth Anniversary Event Schedule

Warrior Instinct Nations will be celebrating five years of boxing and entertainment to Second Life, with events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday...

Breaking News! Lanai Jarrico gets a death threat from a terrorist claiming to have been paid off by someone who wants her dead.

Not everyday you check your emails to find a death threat from a “terrorist” claiming to know everything about you and was paid to snuff you out. In some wierd change of heart, the terrorist thought he would reach out and send a warning shot first. ...

Second Life Avatars And Social Networking ...Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

Social networking sites are widely used by both our real life selves and our Second Life avatars to connect with friends and family, to advertise our businesses or ourselves, and for recreational purposes. In real life, many use these sites to brand themselves, to create an image, a personality. Do we do the same thing for our Second Life avatars? ...


MEET.... TYLER !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW and MESSAGE OF REDGRAVE ! Dear friends,we´re proud to share with you a sneak preview on our newest male skin creation! Please welcome TYLER!Available on Thursday 12th of July in our store! (THAT'S TODAY)See you at REDGRAVE!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

WIN Boxing Report: Curtiis Roff secures title fight berth

WARRIOR INSTINCT SIM:  Lightweight Curtiis Roff cleared a field of eight contenders to win the final match to decide who will be facing Garret Woodrunner for the Aver Lightweight Title. Curtiis Roff, now in title contention...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SL Newser: Fourth of July in Second Life

July 4rth saw a number of Independence Day celebrations across the Grid. From the Flying Tigers Festival in WW2 Tribute (pictured here), to the celebrations in Aero Pines Park, to various clubs, Americans and friends of America partied to the red white and blue. See more pictures and read more He...


THIS WILL BE A SAD DAY !!, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.PLEASE READ !After 5 years, the JADOR FASHION sim will close !!!!You still will find JADOR on Marketplace and at MIMI'S CHOICE and some other selected reseller shops.For this reason , they will make a SPECIAL SALE !!STARTING MIDNIGHT JULY 9TH - TILL MIDNIGHT JULY 13THDON'T MISS THIS !!ALL OUTFITS 300 L / BARGAIN OUFITS 100 LTATTANOOGA MAKE UP and ZEB@SLY POSES are lowered...

Monday, July 9, 2012

SLE Staff Interview: Meet Luc Fray

You have read his articles on SLE, Press Pass Media, OI Magazine, and other respectable sources.  Now get a glimpse of who Luc Fray is and what hes about.  Luc Fray How would you describe yourself in 5 words?LF: Five words wouldn't be enough. What brought you to Second Life and how has it impacted you as a person?LF:My wife and I got this friend who told us about SL. Actually, he was talking about sex tables, and I got interested....


LINDA.... LINDAAAAA, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr.RELEASE DAY at REDGRAVE!Out now! Our new Plateau Sandals LINDA!100% Mesh, 12 supertrendy colors and one of our most detailed heels ever .. we hope you enjoy them :-)See you at REDGRAVE!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Independent Ballet: Five Performances Remaining of PETAH & THE WOLF

Independent Ballet: Five Performances Remaining of PETAH & THE WOLF: Poster and Photo Art by Fae Varriale Independent Ballet Company's (IBC) newest production, entitled Petah and the Wolf , is a colorful ...

DJ Xade AfterHours1-9a Pride Edition

DJ Xade AfterHours1-9a Pride Edit...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spotlight on Maya Sharpshire: In the Zone ...Luc Fray Reporting...

Maya Sharpshire             Maya Sharpshire heard of Second Life 6 years ago on tv, but it wasn't until 2009 that she started her humble beginnings. According to her, her first week had been quite difficult as she didn't really know anyone and she was left to herself to explore alone the metaverse. ...

BSR Radio News: Did you miss the Hawaiian Luau at the SL Enquirer Media Center?

 DJ Dibou spinning at SLE's Hawaiian Luau FREE DOWNLOAD = NuSoul NeoSoul Show with DJ DIBOU 2012-07-03 Hawaiian Luau recorded on July 3, 2012 DJ DIBOU provides a special webcast with a Hawaiian Luau Theme of R&B, Neo Soul and reggae. Event sponsored by SL Enquirer, Lanai Jarrico, Founder/CEO. WE REACHED 3000 LIKES ON FACEBOOK !! &nb...

Moving House In Second Life VS Moving House In Real Life - Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

  I recently moved house in Second Life and was then faced with a move in real life. I have moved about four times in Second Life and countless amounts of time in real life so I decided to compare the two, regarding stress levels, time factors, management and anything else that is involved in moving house. ...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Join the Flying Tigers for a  four day event to celebrate the Fourth of July! Events will include a patriotic fashion show, live djs, contests, contests, and of course fireworks! Fourth of July Festival location: SCHEDULE OF EVENTS...

WHEN IS THE 4TH OF JULY ? -Mimi Juneau Reporting...

WHEN IS THE 4TH OF JULY ?, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr. YEAH !! Today :)Happy 4th to all my american friends !It's amazing, how Virtual Worlds bring all nations together. So let's celebrate together today !"Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought. "Pope John Paul...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SL Newser: News and Commentary - Goodbye SL9B

Wednesday June 27 was the last day to see the SL9B, Second Life Ninth Birthday Exhibits. So went out on the field one last time to see what I had missed. I took a few freebie souvenirs, played a couple games, and of course saw a lot and took lots of pictures. Most of which will probably never see the light of this paper, though I'll probably add a few to my Flickr when things quiet down a little. Read more Here.&nb...

SLE/BSR Event: Hawaiian Luau Pool Party June 3, 2012 7-9pm SLT

×÷·.·´¯`·)»BLACK SOUL RHYTHMS RADIO«(·´¯`·.·÷× Oº°‘¨ ¨‘°ºO       and SL ENQUIRER       Oº°‘¨ ¨‘°ºO HAWAIIAN LUAU Tuesday July 3rd 7pm - 9pm slt DJ DIBOU Charity Richez,  hostess Lanai Jarrico, CEO SL Enquirer Check out paparazzi shots of this even...

Ginette Pinazzo Announces All New Acronyms for 2012

I'm happy to announce your helpful list of all new Acronyms for 2012. Feel free to use this whenever you wish! - Gina...

Sunday, July 1, 2012


HAPPY 4TH FROM GIZZA !, a photo by mimi.juneau *Mimi's Choice* on Flickr. Special deal to celebrate the 4th of July of GIZZA !THE OUTFIT STARLIGHT, half price , no even lower !! 200 L only till the 4th of July !!Come and get one now !direct

July 1, 2012- Reporting From The Front Lawn- Lanai Jarrico

No. You didn’t read the headline wrong. I’m literally reporting from the front lawn of the Media Center and making my rounds to various places across the grid that use the SL Enquirer to report their news. I wouldn’t say I have much of a front lawn here at the SL Enquirer Media Center, but Its a business in the front and a party in the back, like a mid 80’s mullet., accept not so tacky.....