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Saturday, June 16, 2012

New to the virtual world? Visit The SL Torch Guide - Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

someone should have told me silks weren't for clubbing back in 2006

Being a newbie can be overwhelming and downright awkward with embarrassing clothing and hair malfunctions while bumping into every object and other avatars in a sloppy stumble through Second Life. It truly is a hideous sight to observe. Especially when dealing with newbies that ransack freebie prop shops and are strapped heavily with an arsenal of griefer gadgets. My first experience with such a Noob griefer did not end very pleasantly for either of us. His naked avatar along with his chicken on a stick prop came to me asking for a job. Needless to say, he was not hired. He was instead ejected and banned from the media center and I have been left emotionally scarred for SLife by the whole ordeal ever since.

Newbies can quickly becomes a nuisance to other avatars that are more experienced if they do not take the initiative to learn how to do the basic things necessary for a quality Second Life.
One of the major issues with newcomers are those that cause unnecessary drama or beg for Lindens on the grid. Begging can only get avies so far because everyone must earn their own Lindens by getting a virtual job or creating something to offer the community. Second Life does have an economy that parallels the real world and everyone needs to pull their own weight and not be a financial burden on others.
Newbies that cause drama can quickly catch a bad reputation if they do not understand how the virtual community works or understand the terms of service. We have all been through the beginning stages and most of us eventually break out of the tacky mold and begin adding personality into our avatars while getting more involved in the different activities that occur in Second Life.

The SL Torch Guide is a perfect location for new residents looking to get blend into the community and learn about all of the things Second Life has to offer.

Newcomers can find information on walking, talking and how to start updating appearance. There are free classes available, a media library and some things to help get avatars started in the right direction.

No avatar should have to learn alone or embarrass themselves in the process.

Visit The SL Torch Guide today!

Media Sources interested in contributing to the Torch Library, contact Elizabeth DeClaun(kenniem)

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