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Friday, June 22, 2012

In PA Justice has been Served! Jerry Sandusky is quilty of child molestation and faces up to 442 years!

screenshot of Lanai's iphone

I literally walked in the door from a 5 1/2 hour trip from Cape Cod, Massachusetts back to Pennsylvania. Before I even got home, my phone kept going off and here is what was being reported.

I Dropped my bags at the door, hopped in the shower and put on my pajamas. With everyone all settled in bed,  I grabbed my laptop because I wanted to share the news and touch on a topic that many choose not to discuss because it is uncomfortable to even think about; Child abuse and sexual molestation.

Before I get all deep, the good news is former Penn State’s defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky was just found guilty of 45 out of 48 counts of child sexual molestation and faces up to 442 years in prison. This is only one of the many predators still out there, but it is a great victory for the victims. Tonight they can begin to heal knowing he cannot hurt another child because justice has been served.

Stop Abuse

For many victims of sexual abuse or people that know of someone who were abused. In many cases, It has been a closet subject because much of this child victimization happens "in the family” or by someone close to the family.

Victims often times feel fear, threatened, ashamed or embarrassed even mentioning the subject. This cycle needs to stop. For parents, knowing who your child spends time with is important. Keeping an open line of communication and teaching children how to protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations is also very important because it can prepare and prevent them from being victims. 

For victims, It is time for them to speak up to any and all who will listen. The monsters that destroy families need to be held accountable for the mass destruction they leave in their wake. The consequences to the victims and their families can results in years of disfunction,  depression, warped views of trust , safety and even love. This can also result in alcoholism, and drug abuse, including perscription pills. Aside from that,  victims end up physically and or mentally abusing others. If left untreated,  predators go free to do it over and over again.  The aftermath of this taboo subject can linger on for generations as the victims become adults that have not gotten counseling to teach them ways to cope. Counseling offers resources and options while redirecting and stabilizing the victim’s views of life, security and emotional health. Children of parents that were abused are often times neglected or put in the same situations. If not stopped it can become a continous vicious cycle. (Not all cases have these results but most do).
Here are some statistics and resources to help victims and their families or anyone that wants to learn more about stopping abuse.

According to ChildHelp*, a website designed to provide resources and child abuse statistics, more than 5 children die each day from some form of abuse. More than 90% of child sexual assault victims know their abuser in some way and 30% of abused children will go on to abuse their own. If that isn’t alarming, two thirds of people in drug abuse treatment reported being abused or neglected as children. The positive news is, there is hope for recovery. It is possible to overcome, but it begins with wanting to move forward by getting the help needed. 

Be educated and vigilant. Our children and their futures depend on it. - Lanai Jarrico


Report Abuse to the National Center for victims of crimes
National Center for Victims of Crime
2000 M Street NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 467-8700
Fax: (202) 467-8701

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