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Thursday, June 28, 2012

1st Annual Gesture-Off in Second Life JUNE 30

1st Annual Gesture-Off in Second Life
June 30, 2012


OK Folks!  Here's how it will work!


Anyone can enter.  You don't have to register ahead of time.  Just show up, we take your name, and you go up and show us your gestures on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.  It will not cost you anything to participate....


You may show us your two most favorite Animated Gestures.  Animated gestures are gestures in which your avatar is affected in one way or the other.   We'd like to stick to animated gestures this time around.  No Purely Chat Gestures Please.  If there's chat along with your animated gesture, that's fine.  Just make sure you have an animation to show us!  You may demonstrate two of them.  Also, you will want to have a few more gestures handy in case there's a tie.  We'll have a tie-breaker round if needed (see "TIES" below)


There will be a panel of judges who will award one to five points in the following categories:

  • Humor/Surprise - up to 5 points
  • Quality of Animation/Uniqueness of Animation- up to 5 points
  • Overall presentation - up to 5 points

Since you will be demonstrating two gestures (you can do just one if you want to but we recommend two) you can get up to a total of 30 points.  Judges decisions are final. 


If there's a tie, we'll have a tie-breaker round, so you'll want to have a few more Great animated gestures handy just in case.


Winners' prizes have not yet been determined - we'll try to make it interesting!  All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation and anything else we can put into a Goodie Folder for you!  In fact, anyone with suggestions or even donations for prizes are welcome to contact Petlove Petshop or Ginette Pinazzo

The Gesture-Off will be held on the AVIEWTV sim at:


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