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Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is SL9B? Allen Eppenberger Reporting...

Lately I’ve been getting notices about something called SL9B. It’s short for Second Life Ninth Birthday. Or the ninth anniversary, if you prefer. A group of SL’ers has formed to create the ultimate birthday party for everyone to celebrate at!
Originally a celebration that had included Linden Lab, the Lindens have turned it over to the residents of SL. The theme for the celebration is“Community”. The dates will run from June 18th through June 24th this year. There is a website called This is where all the most current info and updates are being released through.
Quoting the blog, the organizers say that there are now officially 20 sims set aside for the celebration. The parcels this year are all 1024m2 (thats 32m x 32m) and have 234 prims. We have 7 full sims for your exhibits as well as 2 part sims, giving around 250 to 300 available plots. As of now we’ve received 125 applications, meaning we’re more or less halfway to filling them. This is pretty cool since we’ve only had applications open for around a week! It also means that if you haven’t applied yet, there’s still room for you, but don’t wait around till the last minute as you could miss out!
As the preparations continue I’ll keep SLE readers abreast of progress. You can also go to their blog for info. They are always in need of volunteers!


  1. Great news! SL9B is looking for all types of content: artists and art galleries, performers, community organisations, educational name it! And I've heard there will be cake. What else matters, really?


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