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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spotlight on Timothy Bisquit , SL Hip Hop Artist Releases the SL Blueprint Albums. -Lanai Jarrico Reporting..

Lanai going hard at Club Indica

Hip Hop is my favorite genre. I’m not ashamed to go hard on some Jay Z, Rick Ross or  even some Kanye west while driving in my car or cleaning my house. I haven't gotten the cops called on me yet for loud music but I've gotten dirty looks.  It’s not just a genre of music, it’s a culture. From music and fashion to attitude. People can either love it, hate it or keep it movin, cause Hip Hop is here to stay.

One thing you can find in the Hip Hop genre that you can’t find in many cookie cutter songs these days, is realism, slick rhymes mixed with humor. The hustle of the street and the way a hip hop artist can use their experiences to overcome obstacles and attain a dream, is what most is about.  But lets not get it twisted. Hip Hop is not all about being gangsta, hardships and hustles in the hood.  Artists such as Taylor Swift, Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears, Gweneth Paltrow even that old crow Madonna has been known to go hard and spit on the mic and those ladies probubly couldn't even bust a grape in a fruit fight.


Interview with Timothy Bisquit
The Second Life music scene is very active with talented musicians performing 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I am a lover of all music with the exception of a couple genres that I’m unsure how to dance to. 

When I have some free time, I usually teleport to a venue, find a seat somewhere to enjoy the entertainment and interaction between artists and their fans.

Recently I discovered some raw Hip Hop talent in SL and could not wait to find out more about this artist known as Timothy Bisquit. I was all up in his IM grill like a shameless groupie, trying to find out what he was all about. He responded and didn’t act all hard or try to hit me up for some prim booty or anything. He was cool and it was refreshing. He told me about his Blueprint Albums, more about what inspires his music and how the response has been.

Lanai Jarrico

Lanai: Hi Timothy, thank you for meeting up with me for an interview. Enquiring minds wanna know...Who is Timothy Biscuit? Can you describe yourself in 5 words?

Timothy: Hustler, goal-oriented, unstoppable, entrepreneur, real

Lanai: I like that.  That's the type of characteristics needed to make it in the virtual world music scene. So, tell me about your music background and how it brought you to Second Life?

Timothy: Well, I been doing music all my life. A friend of mine brought me to SL and I found out about DJing. I started playin my RL music, then I thought I should do SL music too. That’s when I dropped the SL Blue print Vol.1

Lanai:I checked that out, Good stuff. You have some raw talent and some flow. I love hip hop and barely get to enjoy it in SL unless I put it on my land’s radio. That and rap are very limited in the Second Life concert scene because it can be overwhelming due to lyrical content and beats. I have only come across a couple artists in this genre maybe twice in the years i’ve been here. What was the initial response to your style of music?

Timothy: A lot of people like my music. I get a lot of love at parties. I have many DJs who play my music. I just like making good music that people can feel ,listen to and say hey , I did that.

Lanai: Your lyrics can be a bit wild, dropping F-bombs and whatnot but you even include Second Life references which is unique. I find it entertaining and even humorous. Can you tell me who your influences are?

Timothy: Andre 3000, Eminem, 2Pac, Biggie, Wu Tang Clan Nas Jay Z Outkast Goodie Mob KRS 1 Busta Rhymes

Lanai: Omg, yes I can see that now. I love me some Eminem I got his first LP back in the day. That was one angry young man but I love how he is not afraid to express his emotions. Andre 3000, what is not to like about him? His lyrics are very creative and funny. Jay Z is the man. I have to hand that to you, great choice on the album influence. Speaking of which, tell me about these SL BluePrint albums you’ve been dropping.

Timothy: The albums is a combination of music about life in SL like things people do, things they see , what happens on game every day. Good or bad. Whatever the case may be. It is just music that avatars can say they understand because they log into the game.

Lanai: I know what you mean, I wish other artists created SL related music . Do you write your own lyrics and beats for all your music?

Timothy: I do all my own lyrics but I take beats that are already out and make a mixtape. I use beats I know people like to hear. They say you feel the beat before you get in the music so I use that.

Lanai: Where do you perform in Second Life?

Timothy: I have never did like a show in Second Life, but I do DJ at different clubs.

Lanai: Really? I think it would be great to perform some of your work in Second Life. I’m sure there are clubs that would put you on their event lists. Do you do performances in real life?

Timothy: Yes, I do shows. I live in Atlanta so thats where most of my shows take place.

Lanai: I checked out your videos on youtube. You have a combination of real footage and Second Life music videos. Who is your production team? They deserve some name dropping.

Timothy: LOL, I dont have a team. I do most of my own and Lightem Up ENT does some videos for me in RL.

Lanai: Oh, ok then Mr. Skills. How do people in your real world feel about how you use Second Life?

Timothy: They like that I have a different way to promote my music and get it out to a bigger fan base. i have a lot of friends trying to come in to Second Life to do the same.

Lanai:I think you have the right idea and it would be a good idea for them to establish a presence in Second Life. it is the perfect opportunity to reach out to a global audience in an inexpensive way. This can give them an idea on what people like and don’t. I’m sure you already know all that. Do you have any music for sale?

Timothy: Yes, I have music online for sale on different websites and I also have a CD in Second Life for sale that can be downloaded.

Lanai: Nice, it sounds like you got your business handled. Where can fans get your schedule?

Timothy: I post most of things I do on my facebook to keep folks up to date. I also send out group notices and mass TPs to friends.

Lanai: Before I wrap this up, What does BIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM mean?

Timothy: Its Means Bringin In Money Also My RL Record Label.

Check out these links!
The SL Blue Print Vol1
The SL Blue Print Vol2
My Single On Itunes Loud Lean & Bisquit
Grands Gone Wild Vol 1
My youtube


  1. Talented man!!! Love the music dont ever stop Tim!!!!

  2. Great Interview. Looking forward to hearing your music Bisquit. Great job Lanai

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