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Saturday, May 19, 2012

SLE/PPM Merger Takes a Turn in a New Direction. Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

     Company mergers whether in our real world or in a virtual one, can be complex with many choices to make. The decision makers have to ask themselves some important questions to ensure working or merging with another business or entity is the right thing to do. Is the reputation of the company in good standing with the public? Do both parties have a common goal and can commit to the job requirements, its employees and the community. Some projects, partnership and mergers work, others fall through and new plans are implemented to ensure productivity and positive growth. That is the ultimate goal.

On May 14, 2012 The SL Enquirer announced a merger between Press Pass media; a neutral media network consisting of over 31 media sources and The SL Enquirer; Second Life’s longest running independently owned newspaper. Due to feedback from our members, we are making some small but important modifications to the plans.

Some of our combined members have expressed positive and even unsure feelings about the SLE/PPM merger. Rather than take the poll provided on the Press Pass Media blog ,many have contacted SLE personally.

A few members have expressed their concerns and asked; Will things change?, “I want to be part of a neutral media resource” and “will I have the same rights and privileges”? . The answer to these questions are. Yes, things will change for the better. Things will remain neutral and PPM members that had rights before will have them with The SL Enquirer.

Taking those voices into account, a decision was made to merge the PPM blog with The SL Enquirer website only by May 31st. Only the PPM blog will be eliminated. The purpose is to give all members the ability to reach a broader audience with their news. The news provided by PPM members will be as it was on the PPM blog. Posts to SLE will include PPM member events and teasers of their top news, which is directed back at their own news sources. This will eliminate the PPM blog once all members of PMM are following The SL Enquirer website. The benefit to readers will be one stop access to all the top news sources related to Second Life and other virtual world topics.
As previously announced, the in-world press pass media group was slated to be made inactive on May 31. We are reversing this decision.

Your voices have been heard and we will leave the press pass media group open to all in-world media members to use as it has been since it was created by PPM founder, Carmichael Caudron

If you are a member of the virtual world press and would like your event or news teasers featured on The SL Enquirer, contact Lanai Jarrico at  .

The SL Enquirer/PPM
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