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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spotlight on Akasha Sternberg, Model And Blogger- Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

Akasha Sternberg is a certified model, lover of fashion, and a blogger. She graduated with La Mode Modeling Agency on the February 25, 2012. 

Akasha talks about her introduction to Second Life and her modeling career:
‘I heard about Second Life on a German radio show. I was curious and downloaded it. I stayed for about a year, but got bored, so I left for three years, only to come back with a bang, and I’ve loved it ever since.
‘In regards to modeling, I’ve learnt to do my own HUDS and about new fashion and styling genres - some of them I ended up loving dearly. 

‘Furthermore my view about poses - what is good, what is reasonable for what, what works with what, and what is...just not cool - has increased.’
‘I was encouraged to play around with different styles and accessories. I was taught not only to present who I am, but to present the item or outfit I am asked to model also.’

Akasha speaks about her blog, the work that she puts into it, and Second Life hobbies:
‘My beloved little blog...I saw many models doing their own blogs, and I became curious. Ok first of all - it is expensive! VERY expensive. I´m glad my bank account hasn’t killed me yet ;). You get a great rewards though. 
‘I do get a lot of compliments on my look whenever I manage to leave my home for a little while. I do have sponsors now, and I love each and every one of them. 

‘You shouldn’t blog because you´re after the free items. I do it because I´m a print addict. That’s why I started to model, too. I love photography.
‘Nowadays print work is rare so ...I do my own for my blog. My photos have increased massively and I´m still trying, experimenting and learning ;).
‘I hope to get a wide range of readers because I try to show all the aspects of Second Life fashion - some more, some less, but I try to involve all the styles and what have you!

‘When I´m done, I publish the link in several Facebook groups, Second Life communities and In-World groups to get the word out. I have few advertisements booked at the moment to push it a bit which is working very well. My blog gets from  100 to 200 hits each day.
‘My hobbies other than blogging ... At the moment - I’m not doing much... I try to learn to go out and have fun again *laughs* but ever so often I think HEY! I could blog... and there I am again... back home...on the pose stands or props... ah well ;)’ 

In regards to how her Second Life career has changed her and Akasha's views about real life:
‘I have learned A LOT about fashion in general, on a few business levels, and I think even my English has evolved a bit more ;). I dared to fiddle around with programs such as, Gimp and Paint to increase the quality my photos. 

‘I write and do a lot of research and start to think more businesslike, yet still find the courage to say "ok...THIS is HOW and WHO I am... I can adjust...but I´ll still be me. 
‘My personal likes do NOT affect my work and that is what I want to be judged upon. I try to give my best and just rock in everything that I do while having fun doing it!
‘Akasha is a part of me... she lives through me.... but the girl behind Akasha is a bit more (in several ways *laughs*) and maybe a tad different, but... yeah I´m a part of her, she´s a part of me. 
Still while my real life me is in a relationship (he does not play Second Life) but knows whatever I´m doing and is interested in my career. 
‘I do not see why Akasha should be single or not do this....or because things are like that in real life why my Second Life should be exactly the same as my real life. 

My height for example. My real life me is 5´3" - Akasha is 6´5". No! I am NOT tall. I´m representing a height difference that I would to most males if we were standing in front of each other in real life (between their chin and their nipples). 
‘I chose it like that to have a realistic difference when being with my friends and not being at an inappropriate height all the time (if you know what I mean *coughs*).’

Thank you, Akasha, for sharing your experiences with us. You are a very determined person, and I am sure that you will succeed in everything that you do. Regards: Pandora.
You can learn more about Akasha by checking out her blog, her About.Me page, and her Flickr page.

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