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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Interview with the Easter Bunny Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Lanai Jarrico at EasterTown


     Easter is a holiday that is observed on the first Sunday after the full moon by Christians around the world. It consists of a feast and celebration of the resurrection of Christ. For others, it's a trip to the mall with the kids for pictures with the Easter bunny followed by a quick stop at a convenient store for cheap baskets with excessive fake grass and jelly beans. To each his own.

In Second Life©, Easter and other religious holidays are observed in a variety of ways. Avatars can go to Sunday services at a church, worship in a synagogue, temple or other sacred places with their virtual family and friends. For Easter, activities include, special services, Easter egg hunts, holiday themed parties and concerts to raise funds for Charities and other humanitarian causes. Besides that, lots of things go on sale, and in the role play community, it's fun to just use your imagination.

Lanai Jarrico

 In SL©, It’s that time of year again when holiday mascots either run for cover or take on an interview with yours truly. In February, Cupid accepted an interview but I was unsure if the Easter bunny would be that friendly. Last year, that bunny was a bit apprehensive and seemed to only give me partial answers to the questions we all want to know. It made me suspicious so I did some more research. Apparently he was under investigation for smuggling stolen dragon eggs and rare breedables across grid lines. It was reported that he was ejected from his mascot post when he got busted and sentenced to RP State Prison.

The Virtual Slammer

Sources tell the SL Enquirer that the former Easter bunny recently went into the ALT witness protection program for his role in snitching on a dangerous ring of leprechauns involved in a Linden heist on St. Patrick’s Day. What a mascot mess...

Leprechauns are going crazy!

Some RP Avatars have been growing concerned and have expressed their fear of no more Easter in Second Life! Friends of the Easter bunny were contacted, some refused our questions and others had only the worst to say.

One avatar claimed his cottage got bombed with rotten eggs by one of the bunny's goons before he hobbled away.

"It's becoming a crazy virtual world, I feel like I have to watch my back with all these ALTS!", said another man. 

"How can he deny my baby"?

As if his street credit wasn’t damaged enough, this mascot is also being accused of fathering countless furries and being 526,463.22L behind in child support. One woman said that she hoped he got the carrot in jail. Before the welcome center erupted in a riot and got all hostile, I promised to help them find and  reclaim Easter in Second Life.

angry avatar

 I’m not so sure if peeps are going to like the new replacement. Since all the costume outlets seem to be out of appropriate Easter Bunny attire, the best this year's Easter Bunny could do was find an Energizer© bunny outfit at a gag gift shop instead. I have to admit, it's very tacky but it will have to do.

I met up with the new Easter Bunny at Eastertown; the perfect setting for such an interview. It was a festive sim with green sprawling hills sprinkled with colorful spring flowers and fluffy clouds floating across the sky. Dressed like a bunny of my own... We talked under a tree about his position and how he is planning to celebrate this year before we were hounded by spectators wondering what we were doing there.

The New Easter Bunny

Please Meet SL’s 2012 Easter Bunny Mascot. He likes to go by the name Buzz.

Lanai: Hi Buzz! I hear you are the new Easter Mascot for Second Life, how does the title feel?

Buzz: Tru dat. U knowz I feel constituated and revelating it feelz goodz, like a shotcalla on a Saturday night!

Lanai: What’s that got to do with..... Um, where are you from, the ghetto role play sim or something?

One Bunny Band

Buzz: Nah I’m from Wisconsin.

Lanai: Wisconsin? what the? Alright then. You do know you have some big furry paws to fill right? What are your intentions for this position? We all know how important Easter is to everyone, especially all those avatars out spending hours across the grid hunting for easter eggs.

Buzz: Look Ma, it like rolling dice on a Sunday evening! I’m going to take it Easy and relax.

Lanai: You mean on Easter Sunday? Aren’t you supposed to be taking pictures with child avatars and making special appearances at clubs across the grid?

Buzz: U telling the Easter Bunny how to do his job? No eggs for you! I will be doing something but it’s more like chilling at the Playboy mansion with all the bunnies yo.

Buzz Performing a drum version of Bohemian Rhapsody for Lanai

Lanai:Well back up off my tail yo, I’m not sure I like your festive mood and I hope your battery runs out because Easter is NOT about living it up like a Pitbull music video.

Buzz:Pitbull? Who’s that? I’m into Country mixed with Emo and a little bit of Steampunk. Can’t you tell by how I’m continuously beating on these drums? About my batteries running out, I’ll be calling my homies from Wisconsin to recharge me if that happens.

Lanai: Wow, OK. , I don't even know what to say to that but it doesn't sound right at all.... I'm curious, do you even know what Easter is all about?

Buzz: Look, I applied for this position and got the job because I didn't get a background check or a drug test.

Lanai: That’s just irresponsible. Well...religion and politics seems to spoils a good conversation but let me school you real quick. The Easter Bunny is depicted in some folklore as being like a Santa Clause and bringing baskets of treats, toys and eggs to children. The eggs symbolize fertility and the flower designs welcome the new season. Easter has more significant meaning in different religions, that don’t include you, but respectively I will leave that topic to open opinion. Your role is to bring holiday cheer to the virtual world. So, as this year’s Easter mascot, what piece of wisdom do you wish to share with our readers?

Buzz: Eat your vegetables and you will have a sex drive like the energizer bunny.

Lanai: Are you kidding me? It looks like the mascot crisis continues.... Nevermind,Buzz, I'd rather be interviewing a Linden, they give better answers to important questions...

Buzz: good luck finding one.

Lanai: smartass.  

and he kept going...

and going...

Happy Easter peeps.

*Please note, No holiday mascots were hurt in the production of this parody interview. Also note that The SL Enquirer is not a part of or affiliated with Second Life or Linden Research Inc. We are shameless virtual world addicts just like you. Entertainment Only. *Special thanks to the mystery bunny.


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