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Monday, April 30, 2012

Ding Dong....Avon Calling.

Ladies have you ever admired the make-up your Avatar can wear?
If you had the choice in Real Life would you get similar make-up?

Mother’s Day is coming and you just don’t have the time to shop. Why not buy her gift ONLINE from Second Life? Father’s Day is coming too...don’t leave dear old dad out.
There is a new store opening that will let you shop for Mom and Pop.

Prissy Price our resident uber-entreprenuer who brought you in past years the Euphoria Day Spa, The Euphoria Gym and Wellness Center is back with another ground breaking business the virtual way. Soon to have its grand opening you will now have a fun way to shop for RL in Second life. I had an opportunity to sit down with Ms. Price and find out the Who, What and Why of this new venture.

Reporter: Good Morning, Ms. Price thank you for this time.

Ms. Price: You’re so very welcome; I’m excited to tell your readers about my new business venture.  It will allow me to continue to offer service to residents that still give a real world connection. It’s what motivates me in Second Life.

Reporter: Let’s start with where have you been and why the new business?

Ms. Price: I took some time off from my Euphoria brands to spend more personal time in RL with family. I devoted all my SL time to fundraising with Relay for Life and getting my personal life in order. Sort of an SL vacation.  When I was able to come back to SL much had changed in the field of Spas and Wellness. I have not divorced myself from bringing Euphoria back to SL, just not at this time. During my time off I got very involved in my mother’s Avon business. I started processing and delivering orders by hand like a mad woman for her clients. When I finally talked her into the online feature Avon already had in place for representatives a light bulb went off for the both of us. No more driving around like Dominos Pizza for me and we could offer Avon to SL Residents and still be in the business of Beauty and Wellness.

Reporter: Ok, so let me get this right you want to offer Avon to SL Residents? I’m sure our readers are shaking their heads and backing away from this idea due to all the phishing scams happening right now. No one wants to be directed to anything online. There are little guarantees this is safe anymore.

Ms. Price. Yes, I am very aware of the latest scams happening. I myself look to avoid them also. I have invested too much money and inventory into SL to get scammed. It would be a great loss to me. Aside from my hopefully established reputation of being an honest and moral business woman, I felt by providing Avon a trusted RL brand that has been around for 125 years with its secured and trusted online franchise that this would be a safe, fun offering to residents.
Let me explain.
First, the uniqueness of being able to bring Avon into SL was more of a challenge than just adding a few words to my profile. As you know, I believe in the “SEE” experience since all things here is virtual. I looked at lots of cosmetic stores in RL and online like for example “Sephora” and saw that what would be needed in this environment is a similar representation of a like store. Customers would need to see the experience, since they could not touch.  Just like when they came to my spa for services or the gym, the environment has to be relatable.  Now I did not just put 4 walls and call it a day. You will have to come and see.

And then to address the security of information and confidentiality for my customers, I am applying some SL TOS and Avon guidelines to their purchasing experience to make it safe and still fun.  Avon has enough firewalls that in the history of its franchise you have never heard of someone hacking their database. Well this is what my customers will be able to expect. No personal information will be given directly to me...and happy to say no deliveries by me either. All policies and procedural information is readily available outside the store before you walk in. And there are checks and balances, targets thru out your buying experience to look for to ensure you are having a safe consumer experience.


  • You may create an Avon Account using your Avatar Name to maintain some privacy.
  • You may not use an Avatar Name with a Derogatory or Profane Spelling.
  • You may not use an Avatar Name if the last name is “Resident”
  • You must include a Real Life Physical or P.O. Box Address for Delivery of your Orders
  • You must include a Real Life Email Address for Delivery Confirmation, Product updates and Special Offers. You can create one for just Avon.
  • Your Address and Email information will NOT be shared or sold to other telemarketing sources.
  • Your account will only be viewable by your E-Representative and ONLY your order information.
  • Your account IS Password Protected, created by YOU and the Password is NOT VISABLE to your e-Representative
Remember, I’m all about reputation and quality.  

Reporter: Why are you opening the store so soon, before a Grand Opening celebration?

Ms. Price: I decided to tell the SL world now because Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is coming and Avon is going all out on the sales. This is the perfect time to test us out.  Come visit the “Virtual Avon” store and I promise your readers a fun time shopping. Anyone that has ordered Avon online before will know just what I’m offering. One of the best reasons to switch to an AVON e-Rep is that you can place your order ANYTIME, Day or Night. Your time zone does not apply when you’re online.  If you’re online Avon order is more than $30.00 USD then you will also receive FREE SHIPPING, unlike any other online cosmetic stores. And this shipping discount is for ALL products. Listen I do not want this to be an advertisement…that will come later. I just want to get the word out now.

Reporter: Ok, Miss Price quick news for our readers. Thank You for telling us. Will there be more updates in the future?

Ms. Price: Yes, stay tune for the “Virtual Avon” group. We have the ability to give freebies and special discounts to online members.

Reporter: Here is the store link to “VIRTUAL AVON”. An Avon store in Second life.

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