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Monday, April 9, 2012

Bonetto Club and Designs, the Sim that Love Built Lukes Lionheart Reporting...

Welcome to Bonetto's Club

 Lynnie Michigan had decided that this particular night was going to be her last night on SL. Though she had become a successful singer on SL and had many friends, let's face it, SL is not always sunshine and roses. Just like in RL there are knuckle heads around that can ruin all the positive things about SL. That is when a mutual friend introduced her to Porkie Bonetto. As she told me: “I was ready to leave sl. The night I met Porkie I was silently saying goodbye to sl because I found no purpose to being here. I was at this one club, in fact it was the old club that was where our current club is, and landed next to him. He was so cute there dancing with his arms and legs flying every which way lol. I noticed how he talked to people in chat. It was so real and he treated everyone with respect. It was just his mannerisms and the way he worded everything I could tell he was genuine. I had inquired who he was and she told me to say hi and I said noooooooooooooooo! I was rather shy. Finally she got tired of answering my questions and told Porkie to say hello to me. He did! I guess you could say he truly "Had me At Hello". That was June 18, almost 3 years ago.”

 She's still on SL, still singing with regular gigs at Hammers Sunset Rendezvous on Sunday nights and the Titanic on Mondays. She also does private shows, mainly for friends, and doesn’t charge nearly as much as she probably could for them. She doesn’t want to take advantage of anyone. She also found a passion in making cloths. Together, Porkie and she have built a business and a life.
Porkie already had a sim with a mall and club, mainly smaller stores. He found that there was a lot of competition in renting store space. He got into some affiliate vendor programs which he says are good when your just starting but don't play out too well in the long run. He explains that once people get the land marks to the main stores, they tend to start going there instead of the satellite stores. He was making no profit what so ever. He decided that some changes were needed and with Lynnies talent for making stunningly beautiful cloths, he discovered that he had a knack for making beautiful shoes and boots. Like their relationship, it was a match made in heaven. So Porkie went to work redesigning his sims from the ground up focusing on larger store spaces and original products.

Lynnie's Fashions main store

    First came Lynnie's Fashions, Lynnies main store. This is a spacious, elegantly designed professional looking store. Her designs run from formal to “naughty”, as Porkie puts it, but I saw nothing but class here. And just like her singing, she doesn’t charge nearly what she could for the awesome designs she comes up with. Along with that came Not Your Mothers Heels, Porkies main store. Again, spacious, elegant, and professional with amazing prices. I saw a fat pack of three pairs of awesome boots for only 300 lin. They really believe in the saying “caviar quality on a candy bar budget”. Believe me, you would pay a lot more for this quality somewhere else and think it was a good deal. That's how good their clothes and boots are.

Not Your Mother's Heels

    Their latest endeavor is Bonetto's club, an operation that Porkie and Lynnie have turned over to Club Manager Scooter Bonetto, Lynnies manager in her early singing days, and her daughter Lusty Brunette. This is a family project. No super fancy over the top lighting and laggy particle effects here. No sir. You will find a sleek, sophisticated, fun yet relaxing atmosphere here and, of course, live music. And, the only tip jars you will see is for the venue and the performers, hostesses and djs are paid by the club.

Bonetto Club

    For their future, Porkie tells me they are working on filling up the stores with merchandise, booking performers for the club, and creating a fun place where people can come shop or just hang out and relax. And, he offers some sound advice. “People don't realize what it really takes to maintain sims. Be generous and always tip the venue and performers. If your doing this to get rich, get rid of that thought. Do it because you love it. You may make some money but you probably won't right away. Go in with the attitude of “I'm enjoying what I'm doing and enjoy who I'm doing it with.” People are the most important thing. Who knows, you might meet the love of you life here”. Too true Porkie. I too met the love of my live on sl. And, after all, isn't that what life is all about? Both rl and sl? “Do what you Love with the people you Love.” So come on over. Go shopping, dance to live music or just sit and relax here at “Bonetto Club and Designs”, the sim that Love built.


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