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Friday, March 23, 2012

Why noBrix City Soars Among Merchant Districts -Troy Aristocarnas Reporting...

noBrix City

Like the impressive lady archer statue that meets a teleport to noBrix City , this new in-world commercial center appears right on target on establishing a firm presence in SL’s metaverse.

 In just a few months since its establishment late last year, this district ranked as the eleventh most visited sim in December 2011. Why such a lofty ranking in so short a time can readily understood. For one, the dreaded, soup-like lag of similar SL complexes is largely unfelt as one navigates through its quadrants of trendy fashion shops, modeling agency, club and setups for casual games.

As important, too, a significant number of the top SL brands have set up shop in noBrix, egged on no doubt by this establishment’s friendly and decisive management available for consultation 24/7 globally to serve their needs. Such professionalism is evident in the following cordial exchange of this deadline-beater with noBrix Wyx, the brains behind SL’s fast-rising merchants’ district.


noBrix and Troy Aristocarnas

Troy: Please tell us your source of inspiration in this merchants’ district as well as the other builds in noBrix City . There’s also an ohm club nearby, is it part of your noBrix complex?

noBrix: Initially, when we acquired the sim, we made a rough sketch of what we thought at the time the sim should be like. So in that initial project, the shops where already featured but they were then built differently and by another builder. Then after the completion of the first project, we had someone to review the shopping district on prims (to try to reduce the prim count), and the district as it is, was born. The ohm club is 100% integrated in the city project but is privately managed by a wonderful and hardworking staff.

Troy: As there is a high-rise structure in noBrix which appears like a condo apartment, are you planning to have a residential district as well?

noBrix: Yes we have introduced them both into our leasing structure. As a matter of fact, we have some people living there already

Troy: All told, how many commercial tenants do you now have?

noBrix: Not many (at the moment), the toll count goes to around 40 tenants from a total of roughly 200 tenants that have leased with us at Second Life. But we expect to be capable of increasing that count substantially this year (2012).

Troy: Besides the commercial center, kindly cite a few more examples of the long-term accommodation and technological research and development projects undertaken.

noBrix: There are some projects we have for the long-term such as the two buildings on the sim that are already being leased by tenants. A part of that commercial intention is our recently started land rentals that are proving to be a must for this company’s growth and expansion. We are (also) developing for quite some time now a virtual PC to be used in Second Life. Anyone not using Phoenix viewer can take a look at it in noBrix City . We have some more projects, but we can’t reveal them yet till they are ready for everyone who visits us to benefit and enjoy.

Troy: Skills-wise, from what professional competence in RL do you draw the masterful rendition of noBrix?

noBrix: Well we have two registered brands or trademarks in RL they are:

· noBrix conception and development of informatics equipment

· noBrix services—long-term accommodation.

I do work on the brands RL, so it is there that I get my inspiration and experience from. I of course approach Second Life with the same enthusiasm and level of commitment that I do in real life.

Contact: services@n​

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