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Sunday, March 25, 2012



PURPOSE:  The March Military Expo will feature a Merchants fair, where we are inviting all military, weapons, aviation, and smiliar merchants of SL to set up a small merchant tent in the WW2 Memorial park area for 5 days.  You will be able to bring your creations and services to a wide variety of people in SL!.  This event is in SL Destinations as a featured SL Destinations event!  To bring even larger crowds, we will hold all of Amelia's events that week near the military expo.  So guests will have contests, musics, live DJs, as well as other contests.  We will promote the event as much as possible, giving you and your business free advertising.

*There will be limited space available for military affiliated groups who wish to exhibit**
Cost:  This expo is free of charge to all approved creators and merchants.

 For any questions or comments please contact jessii2009 Warrhol in world.


1.  All potential entrants must fill out the form below, to be allowed to participate in the fair.  You will have until March 16, 2012 to fill out the form. Merchants will only be added after this deadline, if there is space and prims available.  

2.  Each merchant will be given a set number of prims in order to rezz any necessary vendors or items.  Extra prims may be available, but this is dependent upon participation.

 3.  The space and location of your merchants fair shop will be on a first come and first serve basis. I

 4.  You will need the Flying Tiger’s group in order to rezz your items, please contact jessii2009 Warrhol for the group.

5.  The WW2 Pacific sim is a mature/moderate sim, so all vendors and items rezzed, must follow Second Life TOS, community guidelines, and the sim’s covenant.  Any violators will be asked to remove any items which are deemed offensive and a violation.

6.  After the military expo, all merchants will be asked to remove their items.  Failure to remove your items will result in them being automatically returned.  We will not be responsible for the conditions of any returned items.

7.  Do not have any heavily scripted or lag inducing or causing items.  Temp rezzers, automatic greeters or announcers will not be allowed in the merchants stalls. 

8.  We are not responsible for any Second Life sim outages, server issues, or performance issues related to SL, which may affect any vendors or any items that you will rezz throughout the event.

9.  We will refer all guest questions about your items or business to you, do please be prepared for the possibility of numerous questions.

10.  Disclaimer:  We do not make any claims for any direct increases of sales or traffic due to any participation in the military expo.  We are also not responsible for Second Life sim outages, server issues, or performance issues related to SL, which may affect any vendors or any items you rezz. Participation in the military expo is strictly voluntarily.

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