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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Behind the Scenes of Dazzlers Inc. - Dazzle Me – Coco Lierfatte Reporting

Dazzlers is a dance company based in Second Life, founded by SavannahAnn McMillan and Pyper Dollinger. Dazzlers is now run by co-founder & dancer Pyper Dollinger. Getting to be a Dazzler is a great opportunity, and a very big achievement. These girls work so hard to prepare for a show, and it shows the day the curtain raises and you see these gorgeous women in position ready to dance. Getting to be a Dazzler myself has really helped me to go behind the scenes and sit down with these amazing and talented ladies.

CEO of Dazzlers Inc. Pyper Dollinger:

C.L. - Entering the fast pace world of Second Life can throw you for a loop when you are trying to decide how to spend it. What made you become a Dazzler?
P.D. - Well I was a model for about a year and a part of the SL Ballet Company when I met SavannahAnn McMillan.  She is an amazing designer of dance and cheer apparel and we started talking about having a team that would be a mix of models and dancers.  I would run the team and she would be the designer and owner.  It was the start of such an amazing journey.

C.L. - Dedication is a true test of how much you enjoy/love something. With Dazzlers it's a fast thing to fall in love with. How long have you been a Dazzler? 
P.D. - It has been 4 years since it started and has been nothing but wonderful.  The dancers and people that support us have driven me to stay above the game and to keep things fun and creative.

Dazzlers by Dantelicia

C.L. - When The Dazzlers are getting ready for a performance, they put in a lot of hard work. Are there nerves or doubts when you are about to go on to perform?
P.D. - Oh Yes!!! LOL there are many nerves even still.  My hands get shaky and the heart starts racing.  But what fun would it be if the excitement and rush wasn’t there.

C.L. - With everything you have to do, to get ready for a show you truly get to know people. You have a lot of time to make memories, embarrassing or not. What are some of the most memorable things that have happened in Dazzlers?
P.D. - Everything is memorable.  All the work, the picking of costumes the choreography...all of it.  We have done so many shows and they all stick in my head.  I do remember the showcase we just did and the 2 hour show that everyone stayed for.  We filled the sim and even crashed yet they all came back.  The very first show we did was a fall fashion show for SavannahAnn's new line of fall dancewear and there were dancers in gold skins and trees lol.  Allowing the chance for someone that can’t or never has danced in RL due to injury, disability or just not something they got a chance to do in RL is what it’s all about.  Letting their creativity sore and living a story through the music is what we try to do. 

Burlesque Dazzlers

C.L. - Taking on a huge project, can be scary and stressful. If it's something you truly love you'll fly right past the downfalls of taking over a business. What was it like for you when you first found out you were getting to run Dazzlers?
P.D. - Well we had been doing really well and SavannahAnn had told me that her RL was getting to be very busy and she wanted to give the team to me.  WOW!! I had so many emotions going on, like where am I going to get the lindens to support the team, where will we go and what if we fail.  I am so glad I came to my senses and decided to just go for it.  We have done it and we have worked so hard to be where we are today.  I am so glad and honored to be a part of such an amazing team.

C.L. - Running a business has their ups and downs. Pushing through them and getting right down to the good stuff makes you stronger as a business leader, and stronger every other way. Have there been any downfalls or setbacks or has it been a great experience all together?
P.D. - Downfalls and setbacks?  No none..not one.  We have just kept going forward, working harder and reaching farther for the next show.  We have surpassed one of our goals to be a part of Miss Virtual World.  We will continue to grow and to reach farther for the next one...Always finding something different than any other groups have done.  We pride ourselves on that. 

Rehearsing for DATA Shining Star Competition

C.L. - Running around all the time, and keeping things together. Making sure everyone is in their place and doing what they need to do is a lot of work. A project as big as Dazzlers must keep you busy all the time, how do you find time for other things?
P.D. - haha well I don't have time for much actually.  I am always running like a crazy woman.  I have a very special person that keeps me grounded and helps me to actually get out for a dance, go surfing or just hang out and relax.  Something I haven’t done in a very long time.  Dazzlers is a lot of work to get things done but I have been told I am a perfectionist and that probably doesn’t help me  Thank you to all my dancers for making my SL such an awesome place to log into every day. Thank you for giving the time and dedication that you all do and thank you for just making DAZZLERS something that so many want to be a part of.  I love all of you and thank you to Pit Dawg for keeping me on the ground and letting me reach for the stars!! 

Dazzler Dancer Tatiana Kurri:

C.L. - Entering the fast pace world of Second Life can throw you for a loop, when you are trying to decide how to spend it. What made you become a Dazzler?
T.K. - I love dance of almost all forms, when I met Pyper Dollenger, we both where in ballet together and she had moved onto Dazzlers, this sounded like something I would love , dance, cheer, modeling. Satisfied all things I like to do in SL.

Christmas Party 2011

C.L. - Dedication is a true test of how much you enjoy/love something. With Dazzlers it's a fast thing to fall in love with. How long have you been a Dazzler?
T.K. - I have proudly been a Dazzler for 4years now.

C.L. - When The Dazzlers are getting ready for a performance, they put in a lot of hard work. Are there nerves or doubts when you are about to go on to preform? 
T.K. - I always get nervous before a show no matter how long we rehearse, it’s just the excitement and the joy of dancing. As for doubts lol always in regards to lag only :)


C.L. - With everything you have to do, to get ready for a show you truly get to know people. You have a lot of time to make memories, embarrassing or not. What are some of the most memorable things that have happened in Dazzlers?
T.K. - Oh wow there have been so many, I would have to say that the most memorable has been meeting all the dancers and really getting to know them. Dancing with them is just an added joy to our lives. But, my most embarrassing would be when I dropped the F word at a rehearsal and Pyper pretended to hear me on a mic...I was so embarrassed.

Dazzler Dancer VeronicaLynn Parx:

C.L. - Entering the fast pace world of Second Life can throw you for a loop, when you are trying to decide how to spend it. What made you become a Dazzler?
V.P. -I was actively involved in modeling for a few years and had been asked to choreograph some dance routines for a pageant contest I was in. After that I quickly fell in love with the skill and soon began looking to expand my activities to dance related groups such as cheer squads and dance troupes.

Avenue Show - May 2011

C.L. - Dedication is a true test of how much you enjoy/love something. With Dazzlers it's a fast thing to fall in love with. How long have you been a Dazzler?
V.P. -I have been honored to be a Dazzler for about 6 months now, since September 2011. So I'm one of their newest dancers.

C.L. - When The Dazzlers are getting ready for a performance, they put in a lot of hard work. Are there nerves or doubts when you are about to go on to preform? 
V.P. -Oh yes, I'm famous for the jitters. My hands sweat and I can feel my grip tighten on the mouse as I get ready to go out, haha! Luckily, nerves work great for me and I perform even better the more nervous I am! Lol

C.L. - With everything you have to do, to get ready for a show you truly get to know people. You have a lot of time to make memories, embarrassing or not. What are some of the most memorable things that have happened in Dazzlers?
V.P. -Most memorable for me is my first appearance as a Dazzler. It was in the Patch Thibaud Auditorium and I was so excited to be in such a huge venue! Since then, each experience has been a cherished memory for me because of the friends I have made. These are some of the most talented, sweet and funny people I have had the privileged to work with! I look forward to my future with the Dazzlers. I know we will be working hard to set the dance scene on fire in SL!

Dazzler Dancer Eliza Mint:

C.L. - Entering the fast pace world of Second Life can throw you for a loop, when you are trying to decide how to spend it. What made you become a Dazzler?
E.M. - I joined SL in 2008.  I had done a lot and seen a lot by the time I joined Dazzlers over 2 years later.  It's a big world out there.  lol.  I like to say that I've held almost every job.  One of my favorite activities was as part of a comedy improv group and I loved the performance aspects.  When I started modeling, dancing struck me as a new challenge.  A new art form to experience within the restraints of SL, but also the "out of the box" aspects that can only happen in SL.

The Wedding Sim - Haute Couture

C.L. - Dedication is a true test of how much you enjoy/love something. With Dazzlers it's a fast thing to fall in love with. How long have you been a Dazzler?
E.M. - I've been in Dazzlers for over a year.  Each performance, big and small, gives a new challenge and new excitement.  It doesn't matter if it's performing in front of 10s of people (lol), dancing the same song again and again for a taping, or performing for a friend's wedding, the excitement and camaraderie is what keeps me going.

C.L. - When The Dazzlers are getting ready for a performance, they put in a lot of hard work. Are there nerves or doubts when you are about to go on to preform?
E.M. - YES!  Always.  This is SL and a lot of bad things can happen.  Someone could crash.  The person running the dance animations HUD could freeze up.  We try to have backup plans to prepare for anything, but it doesn't always work.  In the end, you gotta have just smile and have fun.

C.L. - With everything you have to do, to get ready for a show you truly get to know people. You have a lot of time to make memories, embarrassing or not. What are some of the most memorable things that have happened in Dazzlers?
E.M. - One of my fondest memories was my first performance, Tron.  It was a detailed dance.  I was nervous and I didn't know what to expect.  I remember that Pyper was so sick during the final taping.  I felt so bad for her and we had to re-do the dance what seemed like 10 times.  Her drive, in the toughest of situations, gave us all the motivation to keep going even after a couple hours.

Dazzlers is an awesome organization, but it's not easy. Between shows you are going through practices that sometimes run long hours. In the end though it's worth it, to see your final performance perfected. Dazzlers all love what they do, and it truly shows. Stepping onto that stage for your performance after all the hard work pays off, we love what we do. That's as simple as it gets.

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