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Friday, February 17, 2012

Spotlight Feature: “A Star is Born” – Experience for Beginner Models -NemzKat Resident Reporting...

The "A Star is Born" group made for models out of school. It is in fact, the only group that helps prepares models for their journey in the fashion world.

The group is not an agency but a way for models to have experience before their first job. They will be able to walk in shows and put that on their resume as experience. Please note: this is NOT an agency or school, but just a way to get job experience.  This group is also not to teach models the ABCs of runaway walking. However, models will be taught on-the-job training skills they will need to succeed.

"I get asked a lot, 'So now I graduated from model school. Now what?' Schools can't help any further than they already do so they are now on their own to make their way into the industry but that's the hardest way to go with no show/shoot experience to write in your resume," she said. Kay strides for students to be able to excel in the field of modeling. And her hopes are, if a model does a brilliant job, they will be able to get scouted by an agency.

Hopes are once the models have left her, they will get into an agency. Once there, they will be on their own. So, she wants you to be prepared for the job which many models are not. The objective of this group is to build up experience and that should be a long time personal goal for the model too.

About the owner:

Kay Fairey Earnshaw (Kay Fairey), the mind behind and owner of the Group "A Star is Born," has three years of modeling experience and has been teaching and organizing shows for about just as long. It frustrated her that she couldn't help models get on their feet with experience. Most schools don't give useable experience for students to put on their resumes, so she feels like after models graduate school they try to make it into the industry with no real experience. Her rez Day is November 2, 2007.

 Interview with Kay Fairy Earnshaw.

NemzKat Resident: What do you expect from your incoming models?

Kay Fairey: “It’s always been the case that the hardest part of starting a modeling career in SL is getting your foot in the door.  Anybody can graduate from the various modeling schools available if they paid tuition and anybody can be trained.  But then comes the hard part.  How do you get started?  And more than often a new model is faced with difficulties in getting hired from model agencies since she will not have any real shows under her belt as her experience other than a graduate show.  I wanted to fill this void by providing real show experiences to aspiring new models that have great potential.  For this reason, I expect them to be committed, have good attitudes, talented in styling and more than anything, to want this seriously.  Otherwise if somebody who is not going to be serious 6 months later takes up a slot, which I am going to limit due to the limited number of new models I can handle, it won’t be fair to those who can really benefit from this system.”

NemzKat Resident: What are the requirements to be in this group?

Kay Fairey: “First and foremost, this is not a modeling school.  So anybody who wishes to join must have completed model training in a model academy.  I will most likely clarify the requirements more tightly as I go when I have a clearer picture of what will happen but for the first 6 months, I am thinking of making it a requirement to get some kind of a recommendation from the model academy directors as I will have no means of knowing who is really serious or not.  By the way, this group has no affiliation with any model academy and therefore, I intend to keep it open to any model academy recommendation that might come my way.”

NemzKat Resident: When will this group be open?
Kay Fairey Very soon.  Maybe it's open already by the time this is published.  I just need to write up some regulations and maybe a press release.  I have been a bit too busy lately and haven't been able to do this yet.

NemzKat Resident: Is there a charge to join this group?

Kay Fairey: “No this will be a free join group but by invitation only.  And I plan to limit the number of new models to 20 maximum.  Then once they have 3 shows as experience including shows outside of this group, they will be asked to leave to give way to the newer models.  In other words, nobody except for the officers will be permanent members of this group.

NemzKat Resident: How do I join this group?

Kay Fairey: “Initially I plan to get recommendations from people such as model academy directors, model agency management etc., who may have new models they want to promote or support.

NemzKat Resident: Is there a waiting list?

Kay Fairey: “Not now as I haven’t really announced this group yet at the time of this interview.  I wanted to do this right so I didn’t want to rush ahead until I have a few things organized.

NemzKat Resident: How will joining this group benefit models?

Kay Fairey: “The biggest benefit they will get is that they will be able to list some shows as their runway show experience when they write their resume which will be a big plus when applying to model agencies.  Of course, other than that, they will get further on-the-job training.  As I stated earlier, this is not a model academy but nor is it a model agency.  So I do plan to teach them things they will need to know if I see any lack of knowledge that may come from lack of experience.  Eventually, it will be great if this becomes like an elite group of new models who can be given plus points when being evaluated at agency castings.”

 NemzKat Resident: Will wardrobes be picked out for models?

Kay Fairey: “Yes, I plan to get designers to support this group by sponsoring our shows with their outfits plus pay a small amount just so that I can be able to pay out small payments to all the models.  I am a supporter of the idea that models must be paid for their work as we have to pay a lot to get ourselves styled and after all we do help designers in promoting their creations.  So I want the models in this group to get used to the idea of getting paid even if it may be a small amount, which can be justified since they don’t have much experience.”

 NemzKat Resident: Is this group for males and females?

Kay Fairey: “Yes it is although I am assuming that the majority will end up being females.

Where will events be?
Since I am the CEO of BLVD Agency, I asked Frolic if he could support me in allowing me to use his runways.  So although this group in independent of any model agency affiliation, I will be borrowing the runway Venues that BLVD Agency has for any shows that I do with this group.  Of course, events with the BLVD Agency has priority over the use so I will be using the places when there is nothing planned for BLVD.

 NemzKat Resident: Will there be agents at the shows?

Kay Fairey: “At this point, I don’t know but I will definitely send out invitations to model agencies.  It will be ideal if model agencies will come to see our shows in search for the “next top models”.  As I said already, this group is not affiliated with any model academies but nor is it affiliated with any model agency.  I plan to do this completely independently because I feel that will be more beneficial to the models that will be in this group.  Of course, who knows?  If they can prove to be spectacular, they might even get invited to model agencies on the spot!

NemzKat Resident: Will there be pictures taken of the runway?

Kay Fairey: “If I can find somebody who can support us with pictures that will be great.

NemzKat Resident: Are you hiring assistance of any kind?

Kay Fairey: “So far, I have asked Blackbarbie Bravin and Wicca Merlin to join the group as officers.  They are both my dear friends and models I can totally trust.  However, I want to make this group a self-help kind of organization where we expect the models to help out as much as possible since the shows will be “their” shows.  We are not a model agency and the people who are supporting me are all very busy people.  We will be using what small free time we have to support the new models so I don’t want the models to just sit back and take advantage of it.  At the same time, helping out with the shows will also give them great experience in knowing what goes on in the organization of fashion shows in SL and I am convinced that this will be a huge plus in their experience also.  So actually I will be expecting the members to assist me.

NemzKat Resident: Will shows be open to the public?

Kay Fairey: “Yes of course.  Part of the experience new models will need is to be able to walk and pose in lag and also not to get too nervous walking the runway.  In actual shows, a lot of things happen and it’s important that they know how to handle themselves without falling into a panic.  So yes, I will have a public audience and here too, the member models can help me promote it.

If you are interested in the group, please have a model academy worker IM Kay Fairy if you would like to join the group. Without a recommendation, you will not be eligible to join

Model Agencies & groups (in alphabetical order)
Allure Inc., Model
Asymetrique Supermodels, Supermodel
BLVD Agency, CEO and Model
BeStyle Agency, Top Model
MAD Agency, Model
D’ior Modeling Agency, Top Model
Elegancia, Elegancia Elite
Farouche Tres Modeling Agency, Prime Model
House of Heartsdale, Model
International Modeling Agency, Model
LOOK Elite Models, Top Model
Metaverse TV Models
Opium Evolution, Evolution Mode
Outrageous Glamour, OGlam Model
Passion - The Fashion Agency, Model
SL Art Couture, Model
Solo Evane Model Agency, Solo Evane Model
Brand/store relatedALB Dream Fashion, Model
Bliss Couture, Supermodel
Gizza Creations, Gizza’s Hero
House of Europe, Model
Meiling Maven
Modelli di Evangelista, Evangelista Muse

Miss Bliss Couture 2011
Top 10 Most Elegant Woman in SL - BOSL Magazine 2010
Top 12 Most Elegant Woman in SL - BOSL Magazine, Sept 2011

English blog: Kay Fairey – Fashion Forward

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