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Monday, February 6, 2012

MEN AND ROMANCE Allen Eppenberger Reporting...


Valentines Day is a subject that can vary widely, depending on who you ask. Many women will eagerly look forward to recieving gifts of chocolates, flowers, and trinkets. Children will giggle and poke fun at their peers, blushing at the tiny paper wishes, printed with animated characters, or stuffed animals. And men. Ah, yes, men. We like to fly under the radar on that day.

It's not that we aren't romantic. Far from it! I've spent many happy hours courting my wife in RL. There was one time early in our marriage when we wandered through the greeting cards at the local Hallmark Shop. We took turns just showing each other Valentine cards that caught our fancy. Afterwards, we went to a fast food place and just talked while we ate, dreaming about the future.

But to actually be romantic in the classical sense? Very un-manly. I think it's programmed into our DNA. How many of you girls want to see a movie with your guy, and he cringes in fear of a "chick-flick"? I can count exactly four times when I actually wanted to see a romance movie. "Dragonheart" (Not a chick-flick, but we made it a date movie), "Ever After", "Ladyhawke", and "Shall We Dance?". I will include the first film of the "Back To The Future" trilogy, only because the date that Marty McFly goes to the past was our wedding day. Seriously!

As Valentines Day gets closer, you single females will be planning how you'll dress your avatars for maximum appeal. You'll "strut your stuff", and make every male burn holes in their computer screens with their stares, and slobber their drinks all over their keyboards. And some of you will get lucky, and snag a date for Tuesday. Some of us guys will get lucky, too. But that's all I'll say on that subject!

Seriously, I think the odds will balance out on Tuesday. The single boys will be gentlemen, and show you ladies a pleasant evening. Hopefully without too many hints. And who knows? Maybe things will turn into a great, long lasting relationship! There is nothing wrong with grabbing a booth in the local coffee shop, either in SL, or the default world. Of course, clubbing your man over the head and dragging us out for dinner and dancing at the club works too!

Happy romantic Valentines day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha nice article, Allen had fun reading it and good advice and motivation for valentines day


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