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Monday, February 13, 2012

Interview with Ryan Fury & Derrick Zane of Tense Wrestling- NemzKat Resident Reporting…

Teleport to Intense Wrestling Arena
                                                                           Mondays @ 3pm

Intense Wrestling is one of the realest wrestling sport in Second Life in my opinion. It’s not like the fake stuff on TV but the old, true wrestling styles. The fights look real and are interesting to watch. It’s not only a fight club but a real business with real people. Soon after the wrestling matches I interviewed the founders and co-owners of Intense Wrestling Ryan Fury and Derrick Zane.

NemzKat Resident: What is Intense Wrestling?

RyanFury Irelund: "The future of wrestling, it proves that real world business can be translated into Second Life. It is the 'brain child' of two real life wrestling Veterans with 20 years of experience."

NemzKat Resident: Are there different training styles?
Derrick came from the west coast style of training, and Ryan the Midwest. It makes them the best trainers in Second Life.NemzKat Resident: Does where you are from affect your training styles?
Derrick Zane: "Yes that and your experiences."
NemzKat Resident: Who qualifies to join Intense Wrestling if they are interested?RyanFury Irelund: "Anyone can join. We ask for people to review or information packet and decide if the company is right for them." NemzKat Resident: What makes you different from other Second Life wrestling companies?
Derrick Zane: "The one thing that I have always felt was lacking in the SL wrestling scene was a deeper understanding of the foundations of what
Pro Wrestling is. A lot of the community, to no fault of their own is hung up on the "Gimmick" concept, as its what they tend to see on the T.V. "NemzKat Resident: Is this just a Role-play or more?
RyanFury Irelund: "One thing we are doing in particular that is different from other feds is that we have made it clear that we are not a role-play this is a business and one that me and Derrick have much love for."

NemzKat Resident: What do fans have to be excited for?

Derrick Zane: "Wrestling a match 'should' tell you the story unfortunately that is not always the case."

NemzKat Resident: What kind of story do you want your fans to see?
RyanFury Irelund: " Good vs. evil, at its core. You have guys that the audience should want to get behind, and the guys who serve as the stumbling block. Also, realism. SL wrestling as a whole because of possibilities is very surreal many people believe that because they can they should, and in my opinion THAT TAKES AWAY FROM THE SHOW."

NemzKat Resident: How does Real Life come into your company?

Derrick Zane: "We want realism as you would see in RL. If you jump off a cliff in SL you will be fine, but if you jump in RL you would die. They are two very different things."
NemzKat Resident: Will you be adding more days or just Mondays?
RyanFury Irelund: "The idea is to put on the best show we can, if that requires an expansion of show days then we will, provided that expansion does not diminish the product. We don't want to show more shows then necessary. It leaves fans exhausted instead of excited and we don't want to do that."

NemzKat Resident: Is there an important event coming up?
Derrick Zane: "Every event is important, every show is a first chance to impress a new viewer and introduce someone who is seeing it for the first time and give them the feeling that what they are watching is as important as any real world Pay Per View."

Teleport to Intense Wrestling Arena

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