Nikolai Warden and his partners have created a romantic refuge for patrons looking for something unique and private on short term rental basis. “Holidays, Honeymoons, and Hook Ups” is a set of romantic venues for people who want a private place to enjoy their significant other but don’t want the hefty tiers when they are on SL for short periods of time. I sat down with Nikolai as part of his SLE Spotlight letting our readers get to know this dynamic personality who with his partner and best friend is reaching out to a whole community in need of a place to hang their hat… temporarily. *wink*
So what originally brought you to SL?
“My best friend, we lived far from one another we have been friends since I was in first grade and she was in second grade. She said it would be a good way for us to hang about with one another long distance. It has proven to be the case. In RL, I had been working third shifts for years, and we never had a chance to see one another.”
Cool, so when you popped into Help Island what was your first impression?
“My first impression was that I had to disable those annoying pop up instructions! *laugh* Back then, people who hung out there seemed like they had to present themselves as eccentric as possible—the scare or dazzle newbie scenario.”

And know you have turned your SL experience by attempting to address a niche market with your new enterprise for private cottages and skyboxes, how’d that all come about?
“Hmmm, well, we are estate managers, Rylan, Lucy, and I at Cabria Landing Estates and there was an empty homestead Sim. Lucy, who doesn't have a romantic bone in her virtual body, said “why are people so invested in homes here, and wasting money on tiers when really, they just want a place to erm ‘boink’ is the term she used. That and change their clothes, we have changing rooms for people on another sim just for that purpose. Mostly escorts use the changing rooms, which says to me, they must not be particularly adept if they cannot afford a place of their own *laughs*.”

So you have a successful estate operation, but saw this as an opportunity to provide a temporary rental for those who want a romantic and private place to enjoy.
“Yes all our residential parcels are taken, and we decided to develop this homestead for just that purpose. People spend a good deal on a home together and their partners are in other time zones, how much time do couples actually spend together?”
Once LL changed tiers combined with a lousy economy, did this create the need or do you think it was always there?
“I think the need was always there, I mean, there are free sex places, and hotels, and fancy honeymoon places ... some very nice ones.
What do you see that you are doing to be different?
“Hotels, people are in chat range ... I lived in a condo once, being in chat range of others is not nice. We add variety as there are 15 units here, some are all roses and romance, others are urban and modern and privacy is an important component we want for our clients. We also cater to the gay community with the “Blue Balls” systems we have in place for the best animations. Though really, animations are much the same, and we welcome straight couples as well ... a hint to the ladies ... the light blue ball is the equivalent of a pink pose ball. We also like the fact that they sponsor a lot of fundraisers for the ‘AIDS Committee of Toronto.’”
So where would you like to see this go say a year from now?
“Ideally, we would like to have time shares on the ground... there are five cottages and a tree house here and we would like some longer term renters there where they would rent for days at a time. The point is offering places for people to temporarily use for being with that special someone without paying that large tier each month.”
Exactly, well done, is there anything you'd like to say to potential patrons?
“SL should be about having a fun time, not worrying if someone can see your pixel parts or such and just enjoy those moments you can. Join us and see why we offer something special we think for our clientele.”
Thank you so much Nikolai and congratulations for winning the SLE Spotlight of the month!
“Thank you Dragon!”
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