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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ginette Pinazzo's Future Femdom™ -- Amanda432 Cheviot reporting....

One of the greatest questions of the 20th century is “Who is Kaiser Soze?” One of

the greatest questions of the 21st century is “Who is Ginette Pinazzo?” This is not

to say that Ginette Pinazzo is a killer and should be feared by the masses! Ginette,

or Gina, is far from a killer and is a genuine passionate soul. The one thing she is

passionate about is women, specifically female empowerment. Like Kaiser Soze, she

is a name you hear so much about. Both names carry this sense of reverence. So to

understand who Gina is, I thought it was best to go to the beginning, and that would

Ginette Pinazzo
At first glance, Future Femdom appears to just be a BDSM sim. However, it is more
about female empowerment. There is little, if any traditional BDSM element. There
is no mistress or slave. The word slave is used in Future Femdom, but only because
it is shorter than worshipper, and does not reflect the antiquated definition. There
is Goddess and worshipper. There is respect. And there are toys. If men are
toys, then where is the respect and wouldn’t this mean men are slaves? As Gina
explained it, we love our toys. We don’t break our toys. Instead we play with them
and afterwards set the aside or sleep with them. We don’t put collars on our Barbie
dolls and we don’t put our legos in a cage. When we play with our toys, we smile.

Future Femdom began as an art gallery, Future Goddess; a relaxation center,
Xanadome; a shoe store, Spikey Heels; and a temple. Incidentally, Spikey Heels
was the first femdom shoe store in Second Life, an example of Gina’s pioneering
and vision. Once Linden Labs™ created the Zindra community, these four elements
combined to become Future Femdom.

According to the description “Future Femdom is a city where all Women are Goddess-
Empowered and all men are bred to worship the entire Matriarchy.” When you
enter the sim, you are greeted with the notecards explaining the rules. Men have
three rules: 1) To be shirtless and shoeless; 2) To not stand in the presence of a
Goddess, i.e. kneeling or on belly; 3) Greet each Goddess individually, not as a group.

Future Femdom snapshot
Future Femdom Aerial Map

The look of Future Femdom looks as if you are in the future, hence the name. In a

way it looks like those platforms you see in The Jetsons™ cartoon. Another thing I

noticed when I was looking around was this man kneeling. I looked around to see

if there was anyone else there, but it was just him and I. So I did what anyone in my

position would do, I ran away because I was not accustomed to having a man kneel

close to me. I was just a reporter doing a story. Eventually he found me again and

we struck up a conversation. He referred to me as “Goddess Amanda,” and I had to

look around to see if there was someone named Goddess Amanda. After the initial

shock, I realized the respect he was showing. It’s the same respect students show

their teachers.

Shrinking? That is one question you may have when you enter Future Femdom.

The way I understand it is, they have a machine that can shrink men. Why? Why

else? To play with them! How else are they going to run around a toy city? Like

Winnie-the-Pooh, they are quite content with pleasing their Christopher Robins or

in this case Christina Robins.

There is also a refreshing HyperLatte women can enjoy. This drink of course is only

for women because it may kill men. That is a joke, but don’t tell any of the men I told


In my second visit to the sim, I took a ride on the magne chariot. Yes, you can’t

just visit once, besides they have shrinking! The magne chariot gives you a tour. A

few of the attractions are The Party Area, where they have music, TrampleDances,

music videos, and much more; the Aqua area for relaxation; and of course, the Slave

Shrinking Center where the Micropolis is.

Ginette's business card
Future Femdom Logo

Future Femdom is not only a sim, but it is also a concept. Like Oprah Winfrey is

too small to be a one hour talk show and needs to have her own network, Future

Femdom is too small to be contained in just a sim. The idea, of course, is female-led,

female empowerment, Matriarchy. Our current society is a patriarchy, and Second

Life is an extension of that patriarchy. There are many sims out there, but they are

hidden, behind closed doors, and Gina means to bring them out.

Gina’s current project is known as a Matriarchal Hub. A place where people can

go to in order to find links to female-led sites or sims in SL. A place where Sisters

do not need to get lost amongst the patriarchal elements of Second Life. Is Second

Life a woman hating village that one should avoid? Certainly not. Second Life™ is

what you make of it and Gina intends to do just that by showing there is a place for

matriarchy. That there are places females can go to feel empowered rather than just

a piece of meat.

SLENquirer's Amanda in her Future Femdom top

As I’ve said in the beginning, Ginette Pinazzo is hard to pin down by just a few

words. She is always doing something, always involved in some project. She, herself

is an epitome of that empowerment she holds dear. She has at least four projects

she’s involved in, not counting the fifth project which was producing that snazzy

business card!

Ginette Pinazzo in a hammock, relaxing

Before meeting with my Kaiser Soze I was scared. She has many credits under her

belt and this is only my second article. Her profile indicates not to call her miss or

madam, and I did my best not to, lest I unleash the gates of hell! However, had I

done so, she would have just had a good laugh. Gina is not only an owner of a sim, a

writer, an adviser, a founder (founder of Zindra Help Vortex), and a Boot Goddess,

she is also a person. A person who expects respect. Not demands it. In other words

she is just like you and I. It was not a terror to meet the Boot Goddess, Ginette

Pinazzo, but an honor.

(As a reminder here is the SLURL to Future Femdom again, )

TY for reading ,my name is Amanda432 Cheviot, reporter for The SLENquirer & Press Pass network
Feel free to leave your comments! :)


  1. I support people entering into fetishes as long as they are safe. What I don't like is when people make negative comments about American society without proof. The vast majority of people support gender equality and to call society "patriarchal" and "woman-hating" is dishonest and nasty of you. People want to be fair and shouldn't have accusations attacking their character without proof. And if you truly believe that society is patriarchal and you are against that, then why are you so quick to praise the same basic idea with the genders reversed? Wouldn't that make you just as sexist as the people you are criticizing?

  2. 1. Many, if not most, of the matriarchal movements are NOT reversals, or mirrors, of patriarchy. You would need to do a bit of research. Most matriarchies do not promote the 'same basic idea' as patriarchal ones. In fact, just because its a matriarchy, doesnt mean it manages ANYTHING the same way as patriarchies have to date. For many, including myself, a great point of the evolving matriarchy is that is specifically does things very different.
    2. Many societies ARE patriarchal by definition, and that is shifting. To not see the overall patriarchy (and its attacks) against women across the world is to be blind. I see no 'attacks on character' or 'accusations' present here. It's not personal. In fact, patriarchy isnt evil itself. It's just that it's time to 'move on'.......
    3. Future Femdom dos not promote hate of any type, towards any gender. Please do not assert otherwise.


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