I actually went to the IRS Careers Island mostly because I though that it might be a yuppy dance club where I could get suit-n-tie type guys and I'm not here to tell you that it isn't. But it's not a BDSM scene where you get tormented by accountants or Michele Bachmann-style tax lawyers, although I bet that would sell...
This is actually a real IRS recruitment vehicle, manned by real IRS recruiters. The IRS employs over 100,000 people, and they have to get them from somewhere. They have even expanded their employee recruitment efforts onto SL.
I landed in a central hub where I could go to IRS Career Opportunities, Seasonal Opportunities, Treasury Jobs, Abilities Testing, and a small club for social events. Abilities testing is actually just a feature for people with special needs who are seeking accomodation information.
Each section listed had links to places where you could apply for IRS jobs, many divided by geographic regions. They also had contact information for RL contacts. They had one person (RobinRasberry Sorbet) on the premises to help out anyone who needs helping out.
The coolest feature was a sort of maze, where you answered questions Yes or No about your qualifications to work for the IRS. They need accountants, but they'll work with the right people. If you are qualified, they offer resume reviews, mock interviews, and
If you aren't an accountant, they steer you towards seasonal jobs. They need data entry, customer service, file clerks, cash clerks, etc... they are happy to even contact you IRL to see where you might fit into Big Government.
I have a sort of shadowy tax history (for instance, I have to apply for an extension this year until my accountant is released from prison), so I probably won't be applying. However, if you're some unemployed person screwing around on those internets, you can certainly do worse than visiting this sim to see if you might maybe able to score a sweet government job.
If what I predicted about Google Wallet comes true, you *will* be able to pay your IRS bill using Linden dollars. Wallet becomes your currency exchange, using the daily rates.