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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spotlight on Reign Congrejo; Creator, Designer, Event Director and Professional Model. Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Reign rezzed on the virtual scene in April of 2007 and has built quite the reputation in Second Life ©.  Her titles include Neiva Kumasi events director, Model Manager for AVCON, Pageant director for The Costa Rica Sims as well as one of the founders of the Miss Ebony International Competition and held the  crown as Miss Costa Rica Sims 2011 and was in the top 12 for Miss Virtual World 2011. Her more recent project is being the creator and designer for Evolve and the launch of her new line, Sista Gurl.

Interview With Reign Congrejo

Lanai: Hi Reign Happy New Year, it is a pleasure to meet you. I like to see woman taking leading roles here in Second Life and you have certainly accomplished a lot of things.  This virtual world is a place where anyone can bring their existing talents or discover them here. How did you find Second Life and is it an extension of your real life?

Reign: I was introduced to Second Life by my RL cousin back in 2007.  I felt as if it was a place to escape and live out my fantasies.  Second Life is very good therapy and gave me room to create.  I have a creative mind in RL so I guess you could say I let it run free here in Second Life.

Lanai: Second Life really is a place to expand our wings and do creative things. I know the virtual world can be a tricky place to do business, what challenges did you have to face as you built up your business here?

Reign: There are so many excellent designers and I had no photoshop or any software experience when I started.  I made a friend in world who quickly showed me how to design and within six months we had our own group and were off to a great start.

Lanai: With the many things you have been involved with, what has been the most rewarding?

Reign: I would have to say representing Miss Costa Rica Sims 2011 in the Miss Virtual World Pageant.  I met so many friends and people who really helped me.  I got a chance to see the fashion world from another side and really learn styling techniques, interviewing techniques and just overall being a professional in the modeling and fashion industry.

Lanai: Fashion is a big deal in Second Life, with pageants happening and designers always creating new things, how do you keep up with all you do? I’m sure there is some secret to the madness.

Reign: Well things just come to me. There have been nights I could not sleep and had to create to get it out of my mind.  I love color and so I tend to design with a lot of color in mind.  I started designing for myself because I really didn’t think people would love the creations that I would do, but it seemed to catch on and I was constantly asked when I would put things on sale.  One day I did and I have been hooked ever since.  Designing is my hobby here in SL but at one point in my RL life it was how I made a living.  Designing for entertainers as well as having my own mineral cosmetic line.

Lanai: That's great that you found something you love to do here.  I took a tour of Evolve and I must say, your selection is bold and definitely for that fashion savvy shopper that likes to dress in a class above average.  You recently launched a new line of clothes; Sista Gurl. What inspired this collection and how would you define your style?

Reign: Honestly, the name “Sista Gurl” comes from my real life daughters not being able to call my mother grand-mother so she made them call her Sista Gurl.   As I stated before I love color and my Afro-Cuban and Portuguese background helped me in deciding what to design.  I wanted to bring out that Latin side of me as so many in Second Life design in black and white.  I read in one of my fashion magazines not that long ago that its easy to style black and white but why not step out the box and love color.

Lanai:  I like that brand name and story behind it. It brings  a special meaning to your line.  Do you offer custom work or design jewelry, purses and shoes? Sometimes it is hard to find the right accessories to go perfectly with the different color combinations and pattern you offer.   If not, do you have any recommendations?

Reign: There are times I will do custom work as I have in the past for different pageants.  I can design purses, shoes, hats and gloves but I tend to focus on the outfit as many in the fashion industry like to mix and match.

Lanai: Do you have any sales or events coming up?

Reign: I would not call it a sale, but my previous lines have been drastically permanently marked down.  There is nothing over $600L and that includes any gowns as well.  We have a couple of hunts going on as well as a monthly group gift.

Lanai: Hunts are very popular and fun to do. Many love free gifts or great prices. Do you also offer gift certificates for residents to purchase merchandise for friends? 

Reign: At this moment I took them down to find another vendor as the gift cards were not working.  Hopefully in the near future we will have them back in.  If someone wants something sent, they usually just contact me and I send it for them.

Lanai: What group can residents join to learn more about your new releases and special offers?

Reign: There is a group called “Just Evolve” that many can join or they can join our group subscriber to keep up with the latest designs of Evolve.

Lanai: Are you currently hiring Models?

Well, I have turned that part of my business over to my model manager Annie Zorric and my Executive Assistant Leena Bianco.  If they see talent they are willing to hire.

Lanai: I had the pleasure of meeting Leena, she is very professional and organized. That type of work ethic is great. How would you prefer to be contacted for inquiries about Evolve?

Well depending on what it is.  Vixen Rau is my General Manager and handles all of my hunts, and overall business that Evolve deals with.  Leena Bianco my Executive Assistant handles all of my personal matters including my advertisements, interviews and my schedule.  Annie Zorric, Model Manager deals with all the hiring and training of the models.   They are the best way to reach me.

Lanai: Is there anything  you have in store for 2012 that you would like to share with our readers?

Reign: 2012 proves to be a great year for Evolve. Continuing with the color of life and designing so that people can be different and unique.  My business is about Evolving, always moving, always striving for more, being different and being unique.  Raising the bar and having others filled with envy when the average person wears my clothes.  They will definitely been seen and will stand out from the rest.

Lanai: Well said. Thank you so much for sharing what you do here in Second Life, I wish you the very best with Evolve, your new Sista Gurl Line and all your future endeavors.

More about Reign Congrejo


 Stylish, One Of a Kind, Wild Elegance.  Be Seen, Be Unique, Be U!! Evolve Creation-Develop your own sense of Style!!!!

 Teleport to Evolve

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Lanai Jarrico,


  1. Nice interview.
    I really like the Natalia design, reminds me of my country , great work Reign

  2. Wooot Gooo Momma! You are such a beautiful star!


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