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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spotlight Feature Elvera Lerner’s challenge is Over Mehseti Resident Reporting

Elvera Lerner is a singer who takes with her voice, the hearts of hundreds of SL and RL listeners

       Recently, Elvera performed across 52 Second Life© venues. The venues were full of activity while she graced the stage and now with the Challenge of Elvera’s now over, I can introduce you to her. 
Elvera Lerner is not a stranger to the stage, having been singing and performing live since she was a small child. She is a natural soprano, but has a great range and voice which enables her to sing a mixture of songs that suit different venues and events across the grid. From romantic ballrooms, to night clubs, Elyera is flexible for a variety of genres.

She is unrivalled as the lady who brings real life theatre into SL and is famous for her incredible shows at The English Rose Theatre, The Rose Theatre and Opera House, Theatre on the Hill, Zentopia Theatre, Equinox Theatre, Duché de Coeur Opera House and many more.

She is currently touring as Christine in The Phantom of the Opera and in her one-woman show "The Julie Andrews Experience" and in the New Year opens as Sandy in Grease for its 40th anniversary. She has rightly been called "the voice of SL" and lives up to the name in every way possible

Interview with Elyera

Mehseti: Hello Elvera. It is very nice to see you here at our Media Center. Finally your challenge of performing across 52 different SL venues is over and you achieved your goal. Congratulations.  I’d like to ask you to share your experience with our readers. What motivated you to start a challenge like this?

Elvera: Well, it all started in my mind about November last year... I have set myself little challenges in the past, like singing all the songs in my rep throughout a month, to keep my shows fresh for myself and for the people who come to listen to me. So I wanted something to challenge myself and at the same time to break the fear barrier that I had and still do to some extent of asking venues if I can sing for them. I have no one to go around saying how wonderful I am and getting venues to book me, so I had to choose and book my shows myself.

But I am very English, reserved and quite self depreciating so I find it goes against my nature to promote myself. So I went round and completed the challenge. I sang at 52 new places in SL that I had never sung at before. I met many new people and it was great. People were very welcoming and kind.

Mehseti: Do you sing in RL as well?

Elvera: I am classically trained, and perform in opera and operetta, and oratorio, taking on such roles as Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance, Rosalinda in Die Fledermaus. Gretel in Christopher Columbus and many, many more. I also sing and act in real life musicals, performing such roles as Calamity in Calamity Jane, Dorothy Brock in 42nd Street and Killer Queen in We Will Rock You to name but a few.

My professional training is in film-making having a BS Honss degree in film directing and camera work and I now bring these skills to live theatre as a stage director and performer and to SL as artistic director of my own company, ‘The English Rose Theatre Company”.

Mehseti: Your purposefulness is amazing! By the way, I want to congratulate you on getting ‘Artist of the Month’ for September 2009 reward at The Music Hall of Fame. This is a prestigious award is voted for by the fans of Live Music in SL the artist with the most public votes wins the honor.

Elvera: Thanks Mehseti. Thank the wonderful people of SL who voted for me as their favorite Live Artist. And in my turn I will always be grateful.

Mehseti: I know that you are co-owner of the ~O~ Karaoke Lounge the oldest and, without any exaggeration, the best karaoke place in SL. Many performers have their lucky break here. I have been there several times myself and it is a very beautiful friendly place here. It is open 24 hours a day and there is always someone singing!

Elvera: Oh, yes. I spent most of my time there and people are really very friendly.

Mehseti:  You chose Bab's Place for the grand finale of your 52 week challenge for 2011. What do we have to look forward to for Elvera Lerner in 2012?

Elvera: I came up with the idea that I’d like to take live music to places in SL which have never had it before. The central idea is that once a month I will sing at a non-music venue. I have no idea how hard it will be to convince places not used to SL music scene culture to have me sing for them.

Mehseti: Elvera, I am convinced that owners of non music places will be proud to have you singing in their place. I also know that you do fully staged shows starting way back in 2008 with Elvera's musical Showcase, where you chose songs and created costumes with a theme. What are your plans in this area?

Elvera:  “Extravaganza” will be my next 'BIG' show with sets, costumes lighting etc. It is theatre in SL at its best. We've not set a date yet but it will be at the Theatre on The Hill. The content is under wraps but I have chosen the songs. We'll pick date soon. These shows take about 3 months to put together because this is not average SL show.  We rehearse them like a real show and I am a perfectionist with very high standards, lol.

Mehseti: Thank you for interview Elvera. We will be waiting for your next challenges and shows. I wish you good luck!

My dear readers, to be informed of Elvera’s new shows I invite you to join groups in Elvera’s places listed below

Mehseti Resident


  1. Elvera always puts on an incredible performance with staging and costumes and is definitely the most exciting show singer in SL.

  2. I loved her performances at the rose theatre !


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