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Friday, December 9, 2011

SPOTLIGHT on Earth Nirvana’s BE HUNTED group and The Odd Flake Hunt ~ Shon Charisma Reporting

Back in September, I had the opportunity to talk with Earth Nirvana, the soul visionary and creator behind Earth’s Bangles & Other Creations. You can check out that piece to learn more about Earth.

In the past few months, Earth has been busy conceptualizing and turning into reality two projects: BE HUNTED, a support group for SL businesses and the first event through BE HUNTED, The Odd Flake Hunt that will hit the grid December 11 through December 28, 2011.

Earth created BE HUNTED on October 16, 2011, with the purpose of building creatively and financially with designers. Despite her positive, tenacious spirit, Earth’s initial move to create the group came from a not-so-positive experience. Wanting to connect with other businesses in-world to not only further promote her own business but to also help support others, Earth found herself shunned by another hunt organizer who was not willing to take a chance on a small business.

“I decided at that moment that I too would be an organizer, but a more inclusive one,” she said. “Small businesses and new designers need as much support and encouragement as the more established ones, so I am so doing my part to make that happen. BE HUNTED accepts all persons/businesses that are willing to be a positive contributing element in a collective front.”

BE HUNTED/ The Odd Flake Hunt Participants

And with that desire to build relationships with other businesses, BE HUNTED was born. But Earth knew that for any group to be successful growth is necessary. With that, she created her first event through BE HUNTED: The Odd Flake Hunt, which will go live starting this Sunday, December 11, and will continue through the 28th.

BE HUNTED/The Odd Flake Hunt Participants

I asked Earth about this hunt, how she came up with the idea for it, and she told me, “Once I set my mind to being an organizer, it was just a matter of determining who, what, when, where, and how,” and then she broke down her vision…

Who would be involved: I scouted stores in-world, on Facebook, as well as on Marketplace.

What items should be included: I determined early on that there would be no limit to items I would consider for the hunt. Everything from clothes to home goods is welcomed.

When will the hunt begin and end: Wanting to start in December in the spirit of the season, I felt that running my first hunt for a whole month would have not been advantageous, so I picked a block of time I felt would be favorable.

Where would the prize items be hosted: I questioned as to how I would set up the hunted items; if I would set up a structure so that all the items and designers would be under one roof or if I would go with the option that allowed each designer to host his/her item or items in his/her store. I ran with the latter.

How would the hunt run: Each participating store is hosting a sign that would allow hunters and potential participators alike to join the BE HUNTED group as well as a sign that hunters can eventually touch (starting Dec 11) to receive a notecard with landmarks of stores where prizes are located. Also, during the hunt, prize hunt items will be posted on the BE HUNTED blog.

BE HUNTED/The Odd Flake Hunt Participants

Blessed Reflections, Earth’s Bangles, Namori’s, Body by Chauveau, iCandie, Sewl Designs, Eklectic Twist, Island Style Designs, Luckenbach, and Style X are just some of the SL businesses participating in the hunt.

Hunters will have to visit participating stores, in no particular order, for the $0L prize items available during the hunt. Currently clothing, jewelry, shapes, and art are the types of items available during The Odd Flake Hunt, but the list is subject to grow as store owners are still showing interest in participating.

Definitely take the time to check out THE ODD FLAKE HUNT and snag yourself some wonderful wares.

SL businesses interested in joining the BE HUNTED group should contact Earth Nirvana in-world and check out the BE HUNTED blog.

More info about BE HUNTED

BE HUNTED {BH} is a group for store owners to promote their businesses through specially-low priced or free prize hunts. {BH} is also a group for hunters to receive information on current and upcoming hunts.
  • There is NO COST to participate.
  • Owners must be willing to provide QUALITY items for low cost or for free.
  • All stores are welcomed!
  • This group aims to create a mutually-beneficial bond among its participators–not just through hunts but by also supporting each other so that we can all grow creatively and financially.

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