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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Spotlight Feature: Lastat Productions by Lastat Daxter Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

   Have you been struggling with your business by trying to keep employee schedules organized or looked for new ways to create a professional presence in Second Life without any luck? I know it can be discouraging and it could make you feel like you are chasing marbles on a slippery slope or losing them altogether.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Lastat Productions has some pretty nifty gadgets that can help you keep all your marbles in one basket, making it easier to concentrate on more important stuff like selling your products and providing quality service.

Recently I took a tour of Lastat Productions and was delighted to see lots of different gadgets that I can use to streamline my own organization within SLE. 

For instance, the Universal Schedule Board that I purchased for only $800 Lindens can handle any job position imaginable and can help you keep track of your staff, book meetings and even let your employees make their own schedules. What I like about the features is this board sends out reminders within 10 minutes of scheduled events and appointments. This will save you a lot of time for concentrating on other things. I definitely give the Universal Schedule Board two thumbs up. Check out this link for even more info on this product.

Not only are the Schedule boards worth the investment there are numerous other gadgets that can help you handle your own business.  Into HUDs?  Lastat Productions also specializes in creating great and innovative club tools like Dance, Dj and Emote HUDs, even Shoutcast boards.

For Business, there are advanced prim counters, Ad board, Contest boards, Greeters, Hunt systems, rental boxes, tip jars, status boards, security systems, mailboxes and more.

Builders can even purchase advanced sliding doors, an animator and texture changing systems and Breeders can find scanners, stat viewers, a lucky bundle, a nest for Meeros, and a Dragon Slap or eggs.

If you aren’t sure what a Dragon Slap is or you want to know more about any of the products I mentioned, Lastat Productions has an easy to navigate website that has all the product manuals.

I caught up with Lastat Daxter and asked him about his products and the services he provides.

Interview with Lastat Daxter

Hi Lastat, thank you for taking the time to tell our readers about Lastat productions. I browsed around your store and saw many things that I could have used while starting to build my business. The journey would have been a lot easier had your products been around in 2005. Can you tell me how you found your way to Second Life and when did you start creating these innovative products?

Hello Lanai, thank you for allowing me the privilege to be here. I came to SL in the end of October in 2009, nearly 2 years ago. A good friend told me about Second Life and after trying it, I was immediately hooked. The fact that everything was created and programmed by the residents, completely 'blew' my mind. At first I began to 'play' with objects which inevitably lead to scripts so I could try to learn the LSL language.  In late November, early December, I began to develop my first, and yet to date my best selling product, the "Club Tool". I actually started to develop the Club Tool for myself, then after seeing a few of my friends’ positive reactions to it, I began to hire 'freelance' scripters to help me develop and advance the capabilities of the Club Tool.

Would you consider SL an extension of your real life and what you do or is this a past time?

I guess SL could be considered an extension of my real life. I had kind of scratched the surface a little with, html, and java prior to second life. Second Life started out as just a past time, but has advanced to be much more than that. I would have to say SL contributed to my efforts in continuing education in Computer Information Systems, as which I am currently enrolled.

Congratulations on that! I’m also continuing my education in communication because of what I do in Second Life. I know inspiration is everywhere we look but how did you come up with these innovative products and do you work with a team?

Honestly, I'd have to say my customers have been my biggest inspiration to develop more products. As I meet new people, and become aware of their needs, I develop ideas to meet those needs. I couldn't have done it without a wonderful customer base and an awesome team. The Lastat Productions team currently consists of: Lastat Daxter - CEO/Lead Developer, randarose223 Resident - Secretary, Jomik Hax - Scripter, and Zac Mayr - CSR.

It is great to have a solid team. It shows in your products and presentation. I have to thank you for helping me set up my new schedule board at the SL Enquirer Media center and creating custom labels for me. That was great customer service. You were also very helpful in answering my question. It is sad to say but that type of service is hard to come by in SL.

So what other custom services do you provide?

You’re very welcome Lanai. On top of striving to provide outstanding customer service here at Lastat Productions, we also provide an updated website where customers can find all of our product manuals. We believe this is easier and also ensures that everyone has the correct and updated information on a product. Notecards tend to get lost and obviously outdated. Since we update our products to suit our users needs that 'could' often be the case.

The website is very helpful. I browsed around after my purchase. I also noticed a vendor that came along with my schedule board and mailbox can you tell our readers about that affiliate program you offer?

Each product comes with an affiliate vendor for that particular product. This allows a customer to display the vendor in a store, or sell it to only whom they choose, allowing them to make a 20% commission from the sale. Also, upon delivery of the initial product, they automatically receive a separate package of multiple styles of affiliate vendors. This package includes vendors of different categories, allowing the consumer to sell only products of their choice or all of them. For example, a Business/Club owner may not want to sell Breedable Accessories or Builder's Systems.   For 'die-hard' resellers, a 50% commission "Partner Program" package may be purchased for a minimal price on the marketplace under the Lastat Productions Store.

That is a great incentive for your customers. Where can they go to find your products?

I sell items on the marketplace for those that prefer web-based shopping and I also have a store within Second Life for those that prefer to shop in world. Links are below, and in my Second Life Profile picks.

I have to say, Lastat Productions is very welcoming and easy to browse, unlike other places that can be overwhelming with merchandise. Do you upgrade your selection or are you creating any new products?

We have a large store with plenty of room to shop. The newest products are displayed on very large displays making them easy to find. There are also signs in place to help direct you to the type of items your interested in. We are always working on something new and/or implementing new ideas into current products. When a customer comes to me with an issue, or an idea for improvement, I take note of it and we do our best to take immediate action.

Where else can I get information if I have any questions about the products I purchase?

The best resource would be the online manuals. Some products even have an embedded video showing how to set up/use certain features. My secretary randarose223 also revises manuals after I create them, with the intention of aiding 'non-techies' like her, to better understand a product. There is also the Lastat Productions support group with currently over 1000 members that are very willing and able to assist anyone with most products. Then there is our CSR, Zac Mayr and myself.  Between the two of us, one will usually be online to make 'house calls' to assist you with any issues you may encounter along the way.

Do you have any sales, job opportunities or events going on now at Lastat Productions?

Every Sunday at 8 PM SLT, I start the weekly raffle board. The prize is a $1000L gift card the winner may use in my shop.  It is only $25L to join, and if anyone purchases 3 entries, I automatically purchase their 4th. When the raffle ends the following Sunday, The winner is chose and the proceeds are donated to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

Right now, I would have to say we have a pretty good team here a Lastat Productions, but I always keep my eye open for new talent.

October 28th from 4pm - 10pm SLT
we are hosting the 2nd annual Lastat Productions Halloween Party. This year our top sponsor is Cape Cruise. During this event, we have two hunts. The first is finding "Dead Fred's" bones. Each bone gives you a prize and if you find them all, you receive a grand prize worth approx 5k. The second hunt, is finding all of the lost pumpkins. Each pumpkin gives you a prize and if you find them all, you receive a grand prize worth approx. 2.5k.  We also have two live DJ's as well as a "Scariest Costume" contest (prize 5k to top 3 winners) and a "Sexiest Costume" contest. (Prize 2.5k to top 3 winners)

Wow sounds like you will be busy with events! Before we wrap this up, how would you like to be contacted for custom orders?

If anyone needs a custom order done, I prefer them to drop me a notecard in world with as many details as possible.  Then I will contact them as soon as possible, usually the same day, depending on RL.

Lastat, I want to thank you again and wish you the best with Lastat Productions. It was a pleasure interviewing you.

Thank you Lanai, the pleasure was all mine. I want to give a BIG thank you to all of my customers and supporters that I've had along the way, you are truly the reason Lastat Productions has been a great success!!

Additional Information

·          In world location:

·         Manuals/Info:

·         Marketplace Store:

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The SL Enquirer

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