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Monday, October 10, 2011

In the Know with Clothing Designer Caelia Bellic

There are many things I like to do in-world, but two that stand out are perform and find hot clothes to wear. As a part of the group Unity Productions, I'm able to do both in our latest production, The Misfits. Not only do I get to dance and strut my stuff on the stage, but I'm also able to wear the grunge-tastic wares of clothing designer Caelia Bellic, owner of Cae.B designs. I was a fan of Cae's clothing before the production, and have spent time with a friend going to Cae's mainstore [slurl] and waxing philosophically about the artistry of Cae's designs. How much do I dig Cae's grunge couture? There is a folder in my invy marked "ALL CAE.B." And it's stocked!

As a lover of Caelia Bellic's clothing, I sought her out to ask a few questions about what inspires her to design her wares...among other things. And she graciously replied...

Caelia Bellic, of Cae.B designs, has been crafting her own special brand of Grunge couture since July, 2010. On the rare occasions that Cae pokes her head out from Photoshop and into SL, she can be found making memories with her friends. Music, swamps, laughter, friends, dancing and potatoes are just a few of Cae's favourite things.

[Cae.B mainstore] [Blog (under construction)]

Blue Abigail Fox Smiled in Secret--available at Cae.B designs

Shon: You've been in Second Life for going on three years. When, during that time, did you get bit by the designing bug, and what was your first act in the journey once you were bitten?
Cae: About a year ago I was ready to explore more that SL has to offer. Having had some experience with Photoshop, I decided to see if I could make clothes. It only took a few months to learn about transparent layers *smiles* Since then I've been learning and designing and enjoying every minute of it.

Earth Longing--available at Cae.B designs

Shon: I belong to the organization, Unity Productions, and for our next production, THE MISFITS [info], we are costumed in wares from your mainstore, Cae.B [slurl]. I had learned of your wares before the production, had bought a slew of your outfits, and have fallen in love with your "grunge couture". Can you talk to us a bit about what the essence of the grunge couture you create is? What does grunge couture mean to you?
Cae: In real life, we are often limited by society and its current fashion trends. In my opinion, here in our second lives we should embrace the opportunity we have for freedom of self-expression. Cae.B designs are created with those in mind who want to express their beauty, fantasies and sense of humour. Most designs come with various accessories to enable the outfit to be customized to each person's unique sense of style. Just as the Cae.B motto suggests - Be You...

Shon: One thing I've talked to others about in regards to your designs is the true artistry that takes place--the play on colors, on light, on design. Wares that are art AND are great to wear. How important are these components--colors, light, design, etc.--to you when developing one of your outfits?
Cae: Well first of all, thank you for your kind words. As strange as it may seem, there isn't really a master plan set in place for any design. I'm never sure how something will turn out in the end. I dive into Photoshop for several hours and a design is birthed during that time.*smiles*

Matador Orange--available at Cae.B designs

Shon: Another thing I often bring up with friends is the names of your fashions. We often stare at the pictures of your designs in the store, our heads tilted, musing on how a name might fit the outfit. *lol* How do you come up with the names you select for your fashions?
Cae: Having a background in marketing, I am aware of the impact of branding. Since I firmly believe that Second Life is a place to have fun, I try to reflect that not only in the clothing design but the naming of the clothing, accessories and package labels. I hope that people smile from the moment they open their Cae.B paper bag and continue to do so as they unpack it and wear the items of their choosing. That said, a name will often pop into my head just from whatever is around me at the time and I'll just go with it.

Shon: What inspires you as a designer?
Cae: My beloved one, and my precious friends. They inspire me to be creative, try new designs and use them as mannequins. *grins* Their on-going support encourages me to keep moving forward :)

The Unconditional Fidji Cerise Surprise--available at Cae.B designs

Shon: What are three things you've learned on this creative journey that you think aspiring clothing designers (or artists in general) should know?
Cae: 1-If you aren't patient by nature, learn to be patient *smiles*. Learning the craft takes time. It also takes time for people to become aware your work. Yes, patience is a very good thing to develop. 2-Don't give up! Every item you create, whether good or bad, improves your skill. 3-Use your imagination. Let your fantasies out and bring them into your designs.

Shon: What can we expect from you next?

If Cae continues to provide hot fashions, she just might get my vote! Definitely check out Cae at Cae.B designs. You won't be disappointed.

And because y'all know how I love a in two of my fave recent pieces from Cae.B.

Me in Cae.B's Matador Orange

Me in Cae.B's rain B - Abigail Fox Smiled in Secret


  1. I can definately vote for Caes designs...they are beautifully crafted in design and exquisite in movement.

  2. Great article on one of my favourite artists! I love my Cae.B collection and often find myself wandering thru her store. I read everything she writes for each design and find myself laughing out loud as I make my way thru each floor. Cae has a brilliant sense of humour. Shopping at Cae's store is a delight for your senses. Then I can't wait to unpack my bag and see how creatively she's labeled each item. Who else would label one of their own creations as *a turban?* lol...only Cae. I adore my *Brad Pitt Loves Me* outfit...and hoping one day there'll be a similiar one for Johnny Depp :)

  3. Thanks for the comments! I <3 Cae and her designs, and was very stoked that she made the time to answer my questions. More people deserve to know about her funky, eclectic, artistic designs!


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