When I was new to SL, I became greatly reliant upon the kindness of strangers. I was taught much of SL by two strippers who I started gabbing with when I went into a lonely club. They took pity on me, and steered me the right way several times.
I turned out OK, and I ended up with this position of influence at the newspaper. I like to use that influence to steer people to good sims. I especially like to do so if the place helps out newcomers to SL.
I like to help newcomers, because it makes for a better overall SL experience. Today's newcomer may be tomorrow's person I have to interview/guy who hits on me in a club/girl who designs a dress I'm looking at. The sooner these people are up to speed, the better.
My friend and tag team partner Abbby Silvercloud steered me towards Chillax Isle. Chillax doesn't look like much when compared to the SFL stadium I was just visiting, but it has a special mission: Make SL easier for newcomers.
For starters, they are renting little beach bungalows for $100 Ls a week. You can see one pictured above. They're small, and they don't have a lot of prims, but it is pretty much the definitive starter house. I may end up living here, because 100 Ls is easy money.
Chillax is run by Cromwell Resident, and he runs it to help new people. To the west of the cottages, there is a field full of freebies. The freebies run the gamut from AOs to clothing to living room sets. There is also a Ferris Wheel, surfboards you can use, a nightclub, and- for some reason- a police station.
It's a great spot to steer a newcomer to, and I'd recommend checking out the bungalows for a cheap beach house. There are worse investments in the world than a beach hose, trust me.
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